Constantly Heart Broken

I feel like I can't stop this cycle. I do REALLY well...and keep on...and keep on... and work out.... and NOTHING. Yes - I am in better shape. The muscles under all that ugly fat are looking great, but I'm not shrinking.

I'm a type 1 diabetic, but for the most part, I should still be able to lose weight like normal people. I made an appointment with the nutritionist to get some guidelines about what I could do and she put me on a 1500 calorie diet. I thought this was pretty high at the time but I tried it out.....and as a result gained 7lbs. Ugh.

So I dropped it to 1200, which I physically feel better eating and I've stopped gaining weight at least. I'm currently 164. I would like to be under 130. I'm 5'2".

I manage a restaurant so it's hard to not eat what's there, especially if I'm short on time. I'm really committed now to not eating anything fried (even if I'm supposed to for taste testing products, or whatever), and no white bread or anything not whole grain. The bloat is definitly down and my tummy looks smaller but I'm still not dropping weight. Every time I check the scale (which I do to make sure I'm not gaining) I am so depressed. Even if I don't, I look at my legs and it makes me want to cry.

I'm motivated. I have the knowledge of what should be working, but .... nothing. Just getting below 155 would be HUGE for me.

Advice? Anyone shared this issue?


  • nmterp
    nmterp Posts: 74
    Have you tried taking measurements? That may show you some results when the scale doesn't and thus keep you motivated. Also...drinking enough water? Good luck and don't give up!
  • florabourne
    florabourne Posts: 21 Member
    Whats your insulin control like? Do you find that your sugars swing up and down because that will hinder weight loss massively, and can even make you gain. It might be worth checking you're keeping thats as tight as possible. It sounds like you are doing the right thing with the foods.
  • Gidget85
    Gidget85 Posts: 12 Member
    I agree with measurements....they can tell you alot.

    How much do you exercise? I advice getting a trainer. Having my trainer has really helped me...a lot!

    Im a server myself so I try and bring fruit ar a protein bar when im on shift. cause I know how hard it is to not have the food. Or if I do have to buy my dinner I get a green salad with shrimp for protein.
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    "I'm currently 164. I would like to be under 130. I'm 5'2". "

    I am the same height and weight ( almost, I'm 160) as you are and I am also trying to get below 130. My goal would be to be 120 again if I can get there. I understand your frustration. I just started again so I dont' know yet if what I have been doing is working or not. I haven't been exercising yet, except walking, right now I am only concentrating mostly on eating better . I am going to concentrate on what I eat for 2 weeks before I start incorporating any regular exercise other than walking. I'm with ya though. Believe me, there is not ONE body part I like on me. NOT ONE. I hate being as big as I am,I have never been this heavy before. Hang in there, everyone is telling me it gets easier. We shall see.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. Can I add you? Thanks.

  • Rachael68
    Rachael68 Posts: 15
    You are doing good. This is like a marathon, not a sprint. You cannot expect it to just turn around in a month. Keep up the good work, Keep yourself determined and you WILL succeed. Give yourself a break and quit weighing yourself so much. Your body weight goes up and down a lot because you are a woman, and we are cursed with water retention, bloating and monthly visitors. It is not unusual for your weight to flux 5 lbs or so either way. If you are seeing the muscles coming thru then you are making progress, Keep it up!!!! :bigsmile:
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    first of all congratulations on how far you have come and for letting us know what your going thr im sure between all of us we will get the scale to move again, just keep in mind that what is on the scale is not the only way to measure success, how do you feel?
    are you working out enought? how often do you work out? it maybe time to revamp your workouts because the body will get usto one kind of workout and you will stop loosing weight if you dont change up, try using weights in your routine, try looking into getting a fitness trainer or just increasing the time you workout.

    at any rate your are doing great stop obsessing about the scale if you continue to find ways to challenge your body, THAT SCALE WILL WILL MOVE!!

    until then find domething else posative to dwell on,have you started working on your mission statement , if not start now that will help you refocus your goals. good luck and friend me if need to i'll be here :)
  • natashaamee
    natashaamee Posts: 17 Member
    -When I got married in 2005, I dropped to 118 just by healthy dieting and I still could have dropped more without looking too thin. I'd be extremly pleased in the 120s with some muscle. Body seems to have gotten much older since then. (I'm 29).

    - My insulin is in great control usually. My A1C readings are always good. There have been a few swings the last few months. We found out I wasn't on the idea infusion set for my insulin pump but I'll be getting a new kind soon. I'm on shots right now just for the break, and I'm perfect 98% of the time.

    - I work out 5 days a week. I do believe there are somethings I can do to increase the effectivness. Sometimes it's just seems overwhelming because I don't have a ton of extra time and my schedule changes with my job. I would LOVE to get a trainer, but it's not financially possible right now. I'm expecting a big check and all my debt to be 100% GONE (hooray!) in the next 6 weeks, so after that I probably will get one. I'm also primarily working out alone....which I like running... but other times not so much. My boyfriend is extremly supportive, but he's also an ex-marine so when he works out there's no way I can keep up. (Even though he's offered to slow down for makes me not want to run.)

    - I don't worry about the 5lbs changning. While I don't get my period, daily my weight is usually almost 4lbs heavier by the end of the day compared to the morning. If this swing was like 150-155, I wouldn't be so concerned, but the last two months it hasn't been under 162 once. Damn that nutritionaist! I told her that was too many calories.

    I should start measuring. Maybe I'll get on that tonight after work.