Let's support each other and stop binge eating...



  • downongreenacres
    downongreenacres Posts: 327 Member
    We can do it! I successfully completed day 2 yesterday :-) day 3 starts now! Feel free to add me as a friend - I've found reaching out for friends to support through this is helping so much
    Sophie have you set up a group or are you going to do it all through this message board-I would like to join in.

  • kas1317
    kas1317 Posts: 67 Member
    This may be a stupid question: what equals a "binge"? Would eating 5 slices of pizza at one sitting be considered a binge? I am not sure if I "binge" or just consume a lot in one sitting sometimes.
    examples: mexican chips with salsa, cheese dip; pizza; sweets.
  • downongreenacres
    downongreenacres Posts: 327 Member
    kas1317 wrote: »
    This may be a stupid question: what equals a "binge"? Would eating 5 slices of pizza at one sitting be considered a binge? I am not sure if I "binge" or just consume a lot in one sitting sometimes.
    examples: mexican chips with salsa, cheese dip; pizza; sweets.
    You may have your own definition but if you look it up on-line they say if you do three of the following 5 items you are binge eating:
    -eating extremely fast
    -eating beyond feeling full
    -eating a lot when you are not hungry
    -eating in secret or hiding what you have eaten
    -feeling terrible about what you have eaten.

    I would guess most people do it now and again, but if it impacts your life than my opinion is it might be an issue.

  • irishdancer214
    irishdancer214 Posts: 108 Member
    EAT0023 wrote: »
    I have been binging a lot lately, probably because i have been under a lot of stress. I need to stop this, all it does is make me stressed out more, and then i am in a vicious cycle. Blah! I hate what i have done this month!

    Boy does that sound like me! I was doing so well for WEEKS, then between work, a trip with a friend, and a death in the family all that hard work has not been working...
  • DreamingInCode
    DreamingInCode Posts: 2 Member
    I would love to join in, too. My biggest problem is that I like to eat at certain times of day (especially at night) and that fruit and vegetables make my mouth itch like crazy. I can go for weeks at a time without soda, but I think my biggest weakness is chocolate milk. It's like a drug to me.
  • sophiesummerdiet
    sophiesummerdiet Posts: 84 Member
    I haven't set up a group just done it through here. Most people have added each other as friends and are posting how they are doing so feel free to add me! There's some really encouraging comments being posted which is so helpful. Feel free to add me and join in - I will keep posting each day on here how I'm doing - so far day 3 is going well - just got to get through the evening which is the hardest part!

    Hope everyone's day is binge free so far and continues that way!
  • sophiesummerdiet
    sophiesummerdiet Posts: 84 Member
    After the suggestion, I've set up a group - or at least I think I have as I've never done it before. The name is 'supporting each other to be binge free - first challenge is to make it to the end of June'. It would be great for people to post their updates!If you can't find the group, feel free to add me and I can send invites!
  • sazziek
    sazziek Posts: 57 Member
    Right with you! Added you too =)
    We cant get too hard on ourselves for the binge days - I am learning that very slowly. There is always tomorrow to make up for it - if its cutting calories or working out a little harder. It all adds up =)
  • downongreenacres
    downongreenacres Posts: 327 Member
    I saw your group! :smile:
  • StrawbC
    StrawbC Posts: 167 Member
    eating very little on the two days in between This has been going on for about a month I know it's really an unhealthy pattern but I've not been able to distract myself once the binge starts I've done really well up until this recent bout of unhelpful eating It's colder here now and it's harder to eat well but I know that is not what it's about I've come so far and I feel like I'm floundering and standing on the edge of a cliff just teetering on falling back into desperation and misery Basically I'm scared Really really scared I need a string of days (greater than two) of healthy positive eating I'm an addict when it comes to wallowing in my fear and food Tomorrow is another day Give me strength.....
  • StrawbC
    StrawbC Posts: 167 Member
    For those with strategies that help in slowing or ceasing a binge please share For me I know distraction helps Engage in another activity that stops me thinking about the fact that I'm bingeing This isn't full proof but it has worked This feed/group has gone quiet Are we all bingeing!!!!!
  • kpike207
    kpike207 Posts: 5 Member
    First post ever, but this topic spoke to me. I definitely feel like I'm dealing with an addiction. I ate 3 cupcakes the other day - because they were there - but the whole time, I knew it was 200 calories each, it was putting me over my calorie goal, that I already had one, so didn't "need" anymore, and I knew I wasn't hungry. I was thinking "I shouldn't do this", but felt like I had no or very little control over it. If I have junk in the house that triggers, then I eat it too much until it's gone. I can't come up with a real emotional reason for the eating, other than maybe what I'm not reading about the connection between sugar and seratonin and dopamine. I am on an SSRI antidepressant for general anxiety and also medication for underactive thyroid. So, that is all making perfect sense to me. I feel like I sneak the junk at night after the kids are in bed and hubby is in the other room and it's like a "reward" for getting through the day... but life is actually pretty good, so it's not that I have anything to particularly feel stressed over. This has been off and on for me for years. A couple of years ago, I was involved with a great group exercise program and started running and doing health challenging. I started out couch to 5k and eventually ran a half marathon, was eating clean and very healthy and was at a very healthy weight (had lost 40 pounds by tracking). I ended up with piriformis syndrome from running and after a year of PT and gaining all the weight back, decided I will not be a runner and need to find other exercises that work for me. Now, I've got about 40 pounds to lose - AGAIN! and cannot find my motivation. I have reasons, but am struggling to make it happen. I signed up for the weight loss program through my husband's insurance program and have a health coach call scheduled once per week to check in and review my food journals. I'm hoping they say they right things to get me to make some changes. I know what I need to do to lose the weight, but I am still binging!!! I truly feel I need to get all the junk out of the house and substitute with some less sweet, healthier alternatives. Then I think I can begin to enjoy those as a treat again... I need ideas!! Thanks for "listening"...
  • kpike207
    kpike207 Posts: 5 Member
    kas1317 wrote: »
    This may be a stupid question: what equals a "binge"? Would eating 5 slices of pizza at one sitting be considered a binge? I am not sure if I "binge" or just consume a lot in one sitting sometimes.
    examples: mexican chips with salsa, cheese dip; pizza; sweets.
    You may have your own definition but if you look it up on-line they say if you do three of the following 5 items you are binge eating:
    -eating extremely fast
    -eating beyond feeling full
    -eating a lot when you are not hungry
    -eating in secret or hiding what you have eaten
    -feeling terrible about what you have eaten.

    I would guess most people do it now and again, but if it impacts your life than my opinion is it might be an issue.

    I think of binging as eating a lot of something when you aren't hungry with the feeling of not fully being in control of it. You might be aware of this while binging and do it anyway or realize it after the fact.
  • kpike207
    kpike207 Posts: 5 Member
    I have decided that certain foods are trigger foods for me that can send me into a binge. I try to avoid them altogether because I'm tired of being held captive by food. I've decided I want to be in control. There is actual science that talks about the addictiveness of sugar, foods high in carbs, and foods high in fat. They actually cause a chemical reaction in the brain that blocks leptin, which is the hormone that tells us we are full. So we keep eating these foods until we are sick. For me foods that are high in sugar, starchy vegetables, and high simple carb foods are triggers for me. I have learned to enjoy foods that are good for me and rich in nutrients and I really don't miss the junk food that much anymore. It's a decision you have to make and find alternatives to eat when you are eating out or at a party where junk food may be the only choices. I bring my own healthy food to the party. I look at the menus ahead of time before going out to eat and decide what I'm going to order. Chocolate candy is a huge trigger for me, as are cake, pie and cookies. I have found healthy alternatives and they never cause me to binge. (I'm not talking about sugar free chocolate candy, etc.) I'm talking about something sweet that has loads of nutrients in it. When you give your body what it needs, you eventually won't miss the junk.

    Ideas for the healthy alternatives??? Thanks!
  • luv2bmerry
    luv2bmerry Posts: 5 Member
    I'm with you all. I actually have narrowed down most of my binge eating directly correlates with stress. So, for me, acknowledging stressors and being mindful of my stress levels has helped (although I have not mastered overcoming binges). I find that the better prepared I am (e.g. having lots of water and healthy snacks) the less I binge. My husband is very supportive, but doesn't really understand why I binge. My goal is to not have this up and down weight issue my who life. I've been focused on keeping up with regular vigorous exercise and a balanced diet. I'd like to stay in touch with some of you as hearing and sharing similar struggles has helped me stay motivated.
  • kpike207
    kpike207 Posts: 5 Member
    luv2bmerry wrote: »
    I'm with you all. I actually have narrowed down most of my binge eating directly correlates with stress. So, for me, acknowledging stressors and being mindful of my stress levels has helped (although I have not mastered overcoming binges). I find that the better prepared I am (e.g. having lots of water and healthy snacks) the less I binge. My husband is very supportive, but doesn't really understand why I binge. My goal is to not have this up and down weight issue my who life. I've been focused on keeping up with regular vigorous exercise and a balanced diet. I'd like to stay in touch with some of you as hearing and sharing similar struggles has helped me stay motivated.

    I'm heading to the grocery store soon... Any ideas? :)
  • Toadstool_
    Toadstool_ Posts: 120 Member
    That's something I struggle with too! Have been doing well stopping it lately but do find it a bit of a struggle. Will add you :)