So I went (way) over my calories today....



  • David_2015
    David_2015 Posts: 231 Member
    Great outlook to have, plus you'll be doing better than you were before starting so all good.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    As long as you are normally eating at a deficit, you'll eventually make up for the occasional one day over. But I'm not sure I would agree with the not skipping a meal later idea. My thought there is that since I've already eaten enough to supply the fuel I need for the day, there's really no point in adding more, since it will just turn to fat. The next day, yes, I would continue on with my normal eating plan, since having good habits is a good thing.
  • bigd66218
    bigd66218 Posts: 376 Member
    I did the same eating Hershey kisses w/almonds and the whole time I've been on MFP I was pretty consistent. I logged the calories and now trying to get back on track. These last 12 pounds are pretty hard to lose....
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    As long as you are normally eating at a deficit, you'll eventually make up for the occasional one day over. But I'm not sure I would agree with the not skipping a meal later idea. My thought there is that since I've already eaten enough to supply the fuel I need for the day, there's really no point in adding more, since it will just turn to fat. The next day, yes, I would continue on with my normal eating plan, since having good habits is a good thing.

    There's some sense to this, but since I blew over the target so early in the day that would mean waiting until the next morning. If I do that because I'm not hungry, that's fine, but I want to avoid a reward/punishment dynamic with eating. That's how so many of us got into trouble in the first place.

    Having a light dinner avoids building the sense that I must punish myself for "misbehaving" earlier in the day, and also avoiding the converse decision to use the earlier indulgence as an excuse to go overboard with another high calorie meal.

    It's as much about retraining and rebuilding a long term habit with eating that renders the short term calorie surplus irrelevant. So much of what passes for dieting lately becomes a "morality contest": did you eat at the right times, did you eat the "clean" approved foods, did you stray from the anointed path set by the creators of the plan. That's what I want to avoid.
  • katsmo
    katsmo Posts: 219 Member
    This is the mentality that I wish I had, years ago. I think so many times, people beat themselves up when they slip, and they just consider the whole day a loss. Then it snowballs when you don't get back on the horse the next day or the next. If your car gets a flat tire, you get it repaired and move on. You don't slash the other three.