My own 12 week challenge

matthewfarr Posts: 12 Member
edited May 2015 in Motivation and Support
Well I've tried dieting a number of times but never stuck to it. But now I have a goal and a reason to stick to it. I will be updating this post daily or at worst every other day I will include what excersise I have done and what food I have eaten Along with weekly weight.

A bit about me:- I own a pub for a living, havnt done any excersise for roughly 3 years and I weigh 128kg I'm 5ft 10 and I am classes as obese. Target weigh for goal by end of 12 weeks is 114kg
Ultimate goal is 90kg
Will update body fat and muscle mass including mesurments once I have them tomorrow

so I started off on Monday with a gym session a nice and easy routine to get me back In to excersise I was told lol and it went like this:-

5minute warm up on bike

4 x 15 squats (only body weight)

4 x 10 bench press starting with bar only and increasing 2.5kg each set so finished with 27.5kg on last set

5 minute interval training on bike 30 seconds gear 7 steady pace, 30 seconds gear 17 hill climb, 30 seconds gear 7 steady pace and 30 full speed on gear 7 repeat untill the 5 minutes are up

5 minute of intervals on rower gear 7 (30 seconds flat out and 30 seconds steady pace)

then to finish off 2 x 30 seconds on heavy punch bag with 30 second rest and 2 x 30 on speed ball with 30 seconds rest

food for the day was missed breakfast due to not going shopping untill the afternoon

lunch was 1 x half roast chicken

dinner :- 1 x 3 egg omlate with 1 piece of ham and 1 tomato

also 3000ml of water.

also in addition to the gym my daily step count was 6989

target for Tuesday 19th of May:-

10,000 steps

20minute walk or 30 minute swimming

3 meals

Feel free to follow me, follow my blog or send me a friend request


  • avalonms
    avalonms Posts: 2,468 Member
    Congratulations on this commitment. I am going to bookmark this post and follow your progress. I have lost 25 pounds or so since joining MFP, but have sort of stagnated. I have 18 more to go to reach my goal and I would like to get there or as close as possible by summer's end. Good luck on your journey!
  • Ciler_80
    Ciler_80 Posts: 106 Member
    me too :)
    avalonms wrote: »
    Congratulations on this commitment. I am going to bookmark this post and follow your progress. Good luck on your journey!

  • matthewfarr
    matthewfarr Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks guys hope I dont disappoint you I am also writing the blog which will pretty much be the same as what I right here but will be a bit more in depth
  • matthewfarr
    matthewfarr Posts: 12 Member
    Well woke up at 7.30 this morning which is very good for me was feeling great until I tried to get out of bed(god did my legs hurt lol) I think all those squats i did yesterday are catching up with me, shows how long the muscles havnt been used for. I know this feeling isn't nice but I know as time goes on it will be better the more I excersise(my advice here don't give up if ur legs hurt when you go for your next workout just take it easy it's better to do something than sit in the house and feel sorry for yourself).

    i had my fitbit Delivred today so I spent a while getting that set up and connected to myfitnesspal And it all was so straight forward. you don't need a fit bit it was my personal choice as I like to keep track of my day. if anyone else has a fitbit let me know and I will add you to my friends so you can follow me on there as well.

    no gym today as I go every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

    So I went out for a walk only planned on 20min walk but ended up doing over 40minutes (see below for distance etc).

    i forgot to post in day1 of my blog what my diet consisted of before

    no breakfast or if I did it would be McDonald's, afternoon would be chips and sausage from fish shop or mc Donald's evening meal would normaly be chinese, kebabs, burgers or fish shop etc very rare I would cook food. And to drink about 10 cans of diet coke( reason for diet coke before any one says anything I prefer the taste) so as you can see not only did I have a problem as I was addicted to diet coke my diet was absolutely disgusting.

    my food diary for May 19th 2015:-

    breakfast:- 3 sausage Cooked with actifry, 1 slice of bacon, 1 x egg fried with olive oil and 1 tomato

    lunch:- 2 pieces of ham, 2 pieces of beef, 1 tomato and 2 hard boiled eggs.


    dinner:- 2 large homage chicken kebabs marinated in pepper,mint,garlic and black pepper. Half a tomato and 2 pices lettuce. I used the lettuce like a pitta bread and I must say it was lovely.


    water intake for the day was roughly 5,000ml and 1 can of diet coke I wouldn't have it but doctor advised me to slowley reduce it not to feel ill

    excersise:- fitbit says 7,000 steps but I know I hit 10,000 as I didn't have it from start of day.

    brisk walk uphill, down hill and flat ( distance - 2.36miles pace - 17minutes 08 seconds per mile apparently I burned 626 calories for this walk)

    well that's the uodate for day 2 hope you enjoyed reading and will update again tomorrow

  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    i had my fitbit Delivred today so I spent a while getting that set up and connected to myfitnesspal And it all was so straight forward. you don't need a fit bit it was my personal choice as I like to keep track of my day. if anyone else has a fitbit let me know and I will add you to my friends so you can follow me on there as well.

    Your Fitbit burn is your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure), aka your maintenance calories. If you eat at a reasonable deficit from that, you will lose weight. Connect your accounts at

    Enable negative calorie adjustments:

    Set your goal to .5 lb. per week for every 25 lbs. you're overweight:

    Ignore your Fitbit calorie goal and follow MFP's, eating back your adjustments. You can learn more (and find Fitbit friends) in the Fitbit Users group:
  • Ciler_80
    Ciler_80 Posts: 106 Member
    now i want some kebab :). all looks so yummy.
  • matthewfarr
    matthewfarr Posts: 12 Member
    Hi all,

    sorry for the late update been a mad day today work wise. So I will keep this one short and sweet.

    food was:-

    breakfast - 3 egg omlate, 1 whole tomato and 1 green tea,

    lunch - 1 fried egg in olive oil and 2 sausage

    dinner - 1/2 roast chicken total calories eaten = 1,409

    gym day today:-

    my 2nd gym session my legs, chest and shoulders where very sore this morning but heyho get back in the gym.

    1) started with 5 min warm up on bike,

    2) 4 x 15 body squats

    3) 4 x 10reps on bench press (2 sets with just the bar and last 2 sets with bar and an extra 2.5kg so total weight 22.5kg) reason weight is light is because I have never done weights in my life and my upper body strength is next none so starting with the basics.

    4) another 5 minutes steady pace on bikes to get the legs moving as they where feeling a bit sore and cramping

    5) 30second intervals on rower( 30 seconds flat out level 7 target was to achieve over 100meters each interval at full pace avergae distance was 115 meters of the 5 sets with 30 second rest in between)

    6) 30 seconds on heavy punch bag 30 seconds off 30 seconds on pads 30 seconds off repeat 6 times

    toral work out time 45 minutes

    total steps for the day 7,909

    speak to you all again tomorrow

    You can follow my blog here :-
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Maybe try to add in some green veg like spinach, broccoli, etc., and some fresh fruit, otherwise you're doing fine!
    Are you deliberately not eating bread or other grains?
  • drewchiu1
    drewchiu1 Posts: 6 Member
    edited May 2015
    Dont be afraid to add some carbs to your after workout meals. It will help regulate your insulin from the depletion of the workout. I usually do oatmeal after my morning workouts and brown rice after my afternoon workouts
  • matthewfarr
    matthewfarr Posts: 12 Member
    Hi both yes for 5 day I am not eating no carbs and trying to not eat anything processed as such as well as no sugar.
    This is my last day of what they call the kick start