The struggle is real!!!!!!

tleyva79 Posts: 15 Member
edited November 2024 in Motivation and Support
Hi I am struggling with keeping my diet on Saturday and Sunday !!!!when it comes to Monday through Friday I am on track but when it comes to Saturday or Sunday I caved in !!! It's a struggle of mind that I'm working on. On the weekends I am doing an activity or someone invited me to a barbecue or ect........... Am I the only one with this problem??? Don't get me wrong I am losing weight but I think I could be losing more weight !!! If I stop caving in on Saturday and Sunday!!!


  • feliciahunter1124
    feliciahunter1124 Posts: 2 Member
    Same problem here!! Its like my mind tells me.. its OK its the weekend just work harder during the week. Especially with it being summer and so nice out!!! The struggle is real!!!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited May 2015
    I don't consider it "caving"...I allow myself a little leeway on weekends, holidays, special occasions, vacations,'s called actually living life a little. I also tend to be more generally active on weekends so typically things net out.

    I lost 40 Lbs living life a little and I've maintained for over 2 years without logging and living include drinking beer, going to bbqs, etc.
  • fish2find
    fish2find Posts: 221 Member
    Im with you, I weigh on Thursday morning because it takes M-Th to take off what the previous weekend put on. I know I snack more, we grocery shop and I "taste" everything on the weekends. I have a 5 day weekend this week too so its gonna be a killer. Good luck!!
  • MelanieMamaof5
    MelanieMamaof5 Posts: 75 Member
    The struggle is absolutely real but I agree with "cwolfman12". It's life and it's okay to live it. What are your goals. If your goals are to have a better lifestyle and live better than you have to actually do that...."live". Sometimes that includes indulging. If your goal is do drop weight quick, then you'll have to be more careful for that short amount of time.
  • sazziek
    sazziek Posts: 57 Member
    Sometimes when I am home on the weekends (since my weekdays with work and babysitting and gym time take up the majority of my life) I just want to sit and binge all day! Try running most of your errands on these days so you are constantly moving and not thinking about food! Eat a big healthy breakfast to keep you full and leave the house for the day. Go for a walk now that the weather is better and you'll see a big difference!!
  • wishiwasarunner
    wishiwasarunner Posts: 202 Member
    You say you are still losing weight, so this is really only a concern if you want it to be. You might be able to lose weight faster if you were strict on weekends - but if you are still watching what you do - not undoing your good from the week - then maybe what you are doing is developing a sustainable new healthy life. IF you make yourself miserable and avoid fun functions, then you will be far less likely to keep up your new found habits. I keep in mind what my maintenance calories would be and then if I go over I try to just make sure I don't exceed maintenance for the weekend total.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Adjust your week accordingly. Calorie deficits do not have to be achieved every day! Look at this as more of a credit card statement as opposed to a debit transaction.

    Assume (for ease of calcs) that you are supposed to have 2000 cals a day to lose 1/2 a pound a week.
    Allow yourself 1800 cals - M-F, leaving a deficit of 200 cals per day, and then add 500 cals to Sat and Sunday.

    They have weekly reports which show you the net calorie consumption... focus on that and keeping to the weekly average.

    For me... My struggle is evenings. So I have adjusted such that I leave half my calories for after 6pm. It is what I need to be happy with my lifestyle.

    The biggest tip I have for you is to remember that this is not supposed to be a "diet" to get you to a magical number on the scale. The power in MFP (in my mind) is the learning you do in terms of what things "cost" in terms of calories. You start to learn how to pick your food so that it yields the best results.

    Play with it - if you need a sweet from time to time, figure out what to adjust to allow you to do that.
    If you need a heavy eating day, then adjust your other days, or plan it for a workout day.

    Tweak your plan so that, in the end, once you have reached goal (not IF you reach it)... ONCE you reach goal, you have a lifestyle you can maintain without being miserable.

  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    Weekends just recently started to be my problem eversence the heat has hit so about a month now ..When its hot i just tend to eat more no matter how much water i consume water*
  • brandilog35
    brandilog35 Posts: 5 Member
    The struggle IS real! I do this too and I have found that if I "cave" it's harder to stuck to healthy eating as the week gets started. I've started planning out my meals and snack for the whole week so there is nothing to think about... Plus, seeing an ex boyfriend in the grocery store the other day has me giving the evil eye to all delicious junk foods! Lol!
  • brandilog35
    brandilog35 Posts: 5 Member
    I'd love to add anyone as a friend that would like to! I need more friends that have the same struggles as myself!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I shave off a hundred calories a few days out of the week so I can eat 2,500 on Saturday. Works for me.
  • Jentista03
    Jentista03 Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 2015
    You have to be able to indulge once in a while! If you don't, it may send you down a road of depression! Besides, you work so hard and deserve a lil cheat here and there. Just don't overdo to it so that you are reversing ALL your hard work! I try to find healthy snacks... like mixing chocolate protein powder with a bowl of plain yogurt and even some fresh strawberries on the side. Try it! So delish!
    Don't be so hard on yourself! :smile:
  • MK24551
    MK24551 Posts: 174 Member
    I am so with u, n I say it every wkend how I struggle when I'm bored or just watching tv bc I want to snack :( uggggg
  • lmartin571
    lmartin571 Posts: 1 Member
    Seems like the weekends always get me the fall it's tailgating to the football games and in the summer it's all the cookouts and going to the lake! My weekend always consists of some type of alcohol too! I try to keep my fun days to one day on the weekend. ....usually Saturday then try getting back on track slowly on Sunday!!! But yeah, the struggle is real!!!
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 252 Member
    I also fall off the wagon on the weekends. For the past two weeks I have had a terrible time getting back on track. Please share any suggestions for this
  • mianineteen87
    mianineteen87 Posts: 112 Member
    I think it's gotta be a complete lifestyle change to really make that shift in mentality. But that's me, if I'm at a party around sugar, alcohol and processed stuff I easily make that distinction and I know my body won't like it so it's easy to not "give in" I don't even crave the stuff that isn't good for me. The trick is to not even buy that stuff! I guess it's taken me a while to get here, as I've had results with clearing my skin and helping my physique by having a pretty strict 'lifestyle' but I'm a pretty rare case. I snack on dried mangos if that.
  • SaumyataKaushik
    SaumyataKaushik Posts: 9 Member
    Weekends are my problem too. But recently i have started to do vigorous workout on weekend mornings. This helps me to keep my self on track and as well as to njoy. C if it works for you!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Its very importnat and good that you understand your eating patterns and behaviours. Develop a strategy to address the weekend so that you know how to treat them differently if you require it. It might mean more mental focus, allocating calories or more exercise. Dont panic, just understand where you are losing a few exra calories from your deficit and see if you cna make small changes to tighten up your logging.

    Please dont forget weekends are a diffeent change of pace and should offer you the opportunity to relax, recharge and enjoy yourself becayse MFP is about making small lifestyle changes that you can sustain. Dont look at it as caving in, just adjust and deal with it better, barbecues, eating out, socialising should still be happening, just develop the habits where you are mindful about consumption.
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