Thoughts on Nutella



  • happyfeet70
    happyfeet70 Posts: 1 Member
    xcalygrl wrote: »
    I wish it was easier to spread on pancakes.

    Put some in a microwave safe dish, warm it up until it's a little easier to spread/pour, boom! Nutella "syrup" for the pancakes!

    It then wouldn't make it on a pancake lol
  • eireokie
    eireokie Posts: 15 Member
    Tastes great!...but at 200 calories and 21 grams of sugar per serving...just not good for a weight loss regimen.
  • Christine7656
    Christine7656 Posts: 24 Member
    eireokie wrote: »
    Tastes great!...but at 200 calories and 21 grams of sugar per serving...just not good for a weight loss regimen.

    Completely agree.
    I do believe everything in moderation but this one is really hard to justify, even in moderation. Might as well eat canned frosting as someone else said.

    I know the statement 'sugar is evil' sounds funny and maybe a little exaggerated but really, it is not far from the truth. If you research what sugar actually does to the body & brain, it's kinda scary. Not only is an overload of sugar in the blood a risk of diabetes, which is probably the one everyone hears about constantly, but it also causes inflammation in the body which can cause a host of other problems, i.e. heart disease, arthritis, cancer... It also causes an over growth of yeast in the gut (which is why sugar is addicting because the yeast feeds on sugar). Not to mention weight gain.

    I could go on and on but I don't have the time. I would urge you to research for yourself, there are tons of articles and books on the subject.

    My personal experience. My husband was diagnosed at age 29 with type 1 diabetes, before that we ate as much sugar as we desired without much thought of the effects. After all, we were both thin and active. After I cut back on the sugar I realized what an effect the high doses had on me - brain fog, irritability, joint and muscle pain...

    Now, having said all of that, I do love my sweets too (dark chocolate please) but I rarely eat more than 10-12 grams at a time and I try not to eat refined sugar to often.

    Like I said, everything in moderation. 21 grams of sugar is just too much. I urge you to be your own advocate. Just because a company advertises their product as healthy does not make it so.

    <3 Christine

  • ro3fitness
    ro3fitness Posts: 1 Member
    i dont allow it in the house because i cant eat it responsibly lol ...

    i{m definitly with you on this!
  • remylebeau21
    remylebeau21 Posts: 13 Member
    Never tried it.
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    i dont allow it in the house because i cant eat it responsibly lol ...

  • tlharin
    tlharin Posts: 143 Member
    Not an every day food, but a wickedly perfect treat. Once made a batch of birthday dark chocolate brownies for a friend topped with swirled Nutella and pumpkin butter instead of frosting. It was, quite simply, the best thing ever.
  • mrsziegler607
    mrsziegler607 Posts: 4 Member
    I had a jar and it only lasted 48 hours!
  • sara83hilary
    sara83hilary Posts: 1 Member
    It's good in moderation.
  • withoutasaddle
    withoutasaddle Posts: 191 Member
    Good, but not worth the calories to me. There are other high cal things I save my treats for
  • msty112
    msty112 Posts: 199 Member
    Blah. Rather have peanut butter.