Well here goes nothing

I come from a big family, when I left high school in 2010 I was 135lbs. Five years later I am now a good 25 pounds from breaking 200lbs. I think the turning point for me has been a couple of things, the cost of clothes and the fact that each week I am finding I can fit into less and less of the clothes I used to wear. Today I have ripped through another pair of pants before work. I have done a fair amount of yo yo dieting but at this point I need more help. Hope that this time I can stick to it.


  • sstrack123
    sstrack123 Posts: 171 Member
    Add me if you like, we all can use more friends and support. I am in maintainence stage and I share my diary. I like others who share diary and offer support. You can usually tell by my diary if I am having bad day as I am an emotional eater!!
  • garlincampbell
    garlincampbell Posts: 7 Member
    Add me as a friend if you like. I eat all the time. Seem like all I want is food. I am an emotional eater as well.
  • megmoore1991
    megmoore1991 Posts: 5 Member
    I find that for me I eat even when I am bored. It's more of the concept that I am not doing anything let's find something to nibble
  • Jenkorp72
    Jenkorp72 Posts: 103 Member
    I am a bored eater too. Feel free to add me. The weekends is usually when my diary gets interesting. The weekdays are very structured per my work schedule!
  • megmoore1991
    megmoore1991 Posts: 5 Member
    Ha!! Structure in my meals is the equivalent to what a 5 year old with adhd would have his toys...scattered