Apparently Not eating enough

robinparker223 Posts: 20 Member
edited May 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
I am having a problem...I started using this app to count calories.. Good right?! OK well since Monday I have had 2 instances where it tells me I'm not eating enough...I eat...but I'm more active than anything...problem 2: I don't feel hungry...I don't want to force myself and end up not losing but I also don't want to make myself sick!!!! HELP!!!


  • myweightloss2016
    myweightloss2016 Posts: 147 Member
    Below (I believe) 1000 calories, it doesn't give you a prediction on your weightloss. 1000 calories is very unhealthy.
  • robinparker223
    robinparker223 Posts: 20 Member
    So make sure I eat no less than 1000 calories regardless.... Right?
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Could you open your diary? How many calories are you eating? Are you logging exercise?
  • robinparker223
    robinparker223 Posts: 20 Member
    It allows me 1870 a day...I am eating anywhere from 1000-1500 calories a day but I am exercising around 300-500 off...
  • myweightloss2016
    myweightloss2016 Posts: 147 Member
    Yes, I had the same problem for a while.
    If I would eat 900 calories and no exercise = 900 calories net it wouldn't work.
    If I ate 1300 and exercised 400 off, no problem.
    Food is really important and 1000 is very little. Try eating 1200 at least!
  • kgracesch
    kgracesch Posts: 33 Member
    I don't believe anything below 1500 would be recommended by a nutritionist. For steady weight loss that can be maintained healthily, at least. My nutritionist has me between 1700-2100 a day plus specific macro #s to hit.
  • robinparker223
    robinparker223 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you... :)
  • myweightloss2016
    myweightloss2016 Posts: 147 Member
    Well, you know when I didn't diet I ate like 2500 calories (young girl haha) and I didn't gain weight.. I never ate fruit or anything.. only (white) bread with all unhealthy stuff.
    Now I eat around 1200 but I try to eat fruits, vegetables , whole grain stuff..
    I do feed my body right now, even if the calories are low.. So.. yeah.. what's better.
  • Arliah
    Arliah Posts: 266 Member
    Actually, the diary will tell you that "you are most likely not eating enough" if you go below 1200 calories. Under 1000 it won't let you close out the diary at all. OP, what are your stats?
  • robinparker223
    robinparker223 Posts: 20 Member
    What do you mean MrM27 ?
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    Opening your food diary may help the forum posters give you better insight into your issue. Also, I found that these threads very helpful on my weight loss journey. I eat 1800 calories a day and am losing about .5 a week. I suggest reading these stickies to help you better understand why MFP gave you 1870 calories.
  • robinparker223
    robinparker223 Posts: 20 Member
    Monday I ate- 975
    Exercise- 459

    Tuesday ate- 1406
    Exercise- 515

    Wednesday ate- 1059
    Exercise- 124

    Thursday ate- 1023
    Exercise- 690
  • robinparker223
    robinparker223 Posts: 20 Member
    I eat my main meals ( breakfast, lunch, dinner). I was told to be at snacks, but most of the time I'm busy and not hungry... Like I said if I need to eat more...I can make a way....I don't want to be sick.
  • robinparker223
    robinparker223 Posts: 20 Member
    How do I open my diary for everyone??
  • robinparker223
    robinparker223 Posts: 20 Member
    I made it pubic...maybe now I can get some more good advice on how to fix this problem.
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    According to your calculations - I haven't even looked at your diary - you NETTED 333 calories yesterday? I lost 20lbs in 4 months by netting no less than 1300/daily. Honestly, if you keep this up, you'll have no muscles, no hair and no energy in about a month. Your body needs to NET 1200 calories daily to get enough to run on (unless you are under 5'0 and/or over 50) which I'm assuming by your profile you are not. And 1200 calories can be too little for some women.

    How are you measuring calories burned? Are you weighing all solid food/measuring liquids? Somehow I don't think your calculations are accurate.

    And if you are allowed 1870 calories daily to lose weight, why would you do your body such an disservice to eat WAY less than that?
  • robinparker223
    robinparker223 Posts: 20 Member
    Honestly all of this is new to me...I never realized I was doing that....I measure out my food, far as my exercise I go by what the app minutes I work...OK so now more than ever I'm going to be eating as much HEALTHY FOOD as I can!!! Thank you so much for your honesty and I said this is the first week that I have ever done this and didn't know which way to I have a better understanding of how to calculate and do better! :)