Here it goes...

orthocst1 Posts: 2 Member
So, I'm began my life style change earlier this week and I've got to say that I'm actually motivated this time around than I've ever been! Long story short... I had to have back surgery when I was 15 years old and ever since then I have had weight issues. I also have 2 beautiful daughters that mean the world to me and I'm doing this for them so that I can be around longer for them and be able to keep up with them. After my last daughter was born (2 years ago), I have been depressed and doing a lot of emotional eating because that's how I deal with depression. I know, I know... That's not the proper way to treat depression. I was telling a friend of mine about my emotional eating/depression issues and she told me about the saffron extract pill, how it's supposed to help with emotional eating and might help with depression. I'm always up for a more natural approach on health and wellness so I gave this saffron extract pill a try. I kid you not, I have NOT participated in ANY emotional eating since Tuesday! AND... I feel happier!! My husband and daughters have noticed a huge change in me as well. Any who... I have really put my health at the top of my priorities and I'm excited and motivated like never before! I know that this is going to be a huge and difficult journey (because I need to lose 100lbs to be in my healthy BMI range) but I need to save my life even if I start with the smallest steps possible. I'd love to have an accountability partner on MFP, so if you're willing to help me out and visa versa... Let me know! Thank you for taking the time to read this!


  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Isn't this something that Dr. Oz recommends? If so, no thanks. ;)
  • orthocst1
    orthocst1 Posts: 2 Member
    Not really sure if he has because I don't watch his show. Who cares it's helping me! ;)
  • rhhrn
    rhhrn Posts: 1 Member
    Can you update me on how u r doing on saffron?