Any recommendations for hypertrophy oriented workout regimen?

I am reasonably fit. I weigh between 177 and 181. I would like to follow a workout regimen. Ideally focused on free weights. Any suggestions?


  • DedRepublic
    DedRepublic Posts: 348 Member
    I'm doing a 5 day split (3 on, 1 off, 2 on, 1 off). 4-5 sets in rep ranges of 10-12. Add weight and more sets over time to keep going.
  • galengentry
    galengentry Posts: 28 Member
    Yep, but you look mad buff. Is that volume okay for a person who isn't where you are? I can squat my weight for 8, I have injured shoulders so bench is my weakness.. I do narrow grip bench, body weight for 8 (body weight 175 lb) Overhead press 125, Deadlift 200. I do a warmup three work sets. I am presently not going to failure. Oh and I do pullups.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Yep, but you look mad buff. Is that volume okay for a person who isn't where you are? I can squat my weight for 8, I have injured shoulders so bench is my weakness.. I do narrow grip bench, body weight for 8 (body weight 175 lb) Overhead press 125, Deadlift 200. I do a warmup three work sets. I am presently not going to failure. Oh and I do pullups.

    If you are new to training I would take a look at All-Pro's beginner routine on forums. Google it. It's a full body program 3 days per week training primarily in an 8-12 rep range and it progressively gets more challenging over time.
  • galengentry
    galengentry Posts: 28 Member
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    SideSteel wrote: »
    Yep, but you look mad buff. Is that volume okay for a person who isn't where you are? I can squat my weight for 8, I have injured shoulders so bench is my weakness.. I do narrow grip bench, body weight for 8 (body weight 175 lb) Overhead press 125, Deadlift 200. I do a warmup three work sets. I am presently not going to failure. Oh and I do pullups.

    If you are new to training I would take a look at All-Pro's beginner routine on forums. Google it. It's a full body program 3 days per week training primarily in an 8-12 rep range and it progressively gets more challenging over time.

    I would say this.

    or something like strong lifts, starting strength, etc….
  • morowinder
    morowinder Posts: 35 Member
    Look up HST literally hypertrophy specific training. It works, your muscles grow faster, but you barely gain any strength. Also their website has lots of info on how to maximise growth with research papers explained, debunking the broscience if you don't mind the read.
  • galengentry
    galengentry Posts: 28 Member
  • joelaxton
    joelaxton Posts: 1 Member
    Check out anything from Ben Pakulski on YouTube.