Adderall sucks


I feel like I'm pretty out of the ordinary because I'm trying to gain weight.

I live a fairly active lifestyle being a dog walker, and I've always had a hard time keeping the weight on. Recent prescribed medications are making are making me have even less of an appetite, and I'm looking too skinny. I'm just wondering if there's anyone out there like me, and what helps you get 3 meals in a day? Is constant snacking a better option?



  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    My brother had this issue. He set a timer to remind himself to eat. He has a few go-to meals that he knows work for him most days, so he doesn't have to wait to see what might taste good. (for him it's chicken schwarma pitas for lunch). You could supplement with protein shakes.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Anything to help you get more calories is a better option. There is no rule on 3 square a day. That's a function of our industrialized demographic. If we weren't working like that- we'd stop and eat when we needed to.

    Eat when you can- if constant snacking is what you need- do that.
    I find when I'm bulking several scoops of ice cream at the end of the day with 2-3 oreos crumbled on top with a big class of milk will get you what you need in terms of extra calories.

    So- what I would recommend doing is figuring out over the course of 3-4 weeks how much food you are actually eating- are you maintaining on this? or you losing?

    if you're maintaining- go ahead and add 250-300 calories to that number.

    wait another 3-4 weeks- did you gain anything? great- keep going. did you not gain anything? add another 100 calories.
    wait another 3-4 weeks.
    gain? yes- good stay there till you stop gaining.
    no gain? - add more food.

  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Nuts are a really good way to pack in calories without having much volume. As far as meals go, try adding fats to them with oils, nut butters, cheese and heavier breads.
  • RosellaAltman
    RosellaAltman Posts: 6 Member
    I also have my appetite restricted by ADHD medication. I've been on it since I was a kid, so I'm pretty used to not having an appetite, but it's still hard to make myself eat when I'm not hungry.
  • RNwriter1969
    RNwriter1969 Posts: 6 Member
    I feel your pain! I am rarely hungry and eating feels like a chore, not a pleasure.