How do I strengthen my knees?

Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
Back when I started the 30DS my knees, especially my right one, bothered me. It gets swollen and feels hot to the touch. It isn't horribly painful but it's... stiff, numb feeling, and just not right. I can't kneel down to give my kids baths/whatever. I iced it, rested and it was fine. This morning I went to my first Zumba class (which was a BLAST) and it started flaring up about an hour or so afterward. The fact that it happened so fast makes me feel that tomorrow it'll be ridiculous. The 'pain' is above my knee at the bottom of my thigh and on the sides and bottom of my knee cap.

Anyway, I want this to stop happening so, are there some excercises I can do to strengthen the tendons/muscles around my knees? I don't want this to impede my progress. Thanks in advance!!


  • Ree_Chatelain
    Ree_Chatelain Posts: 229 Member
    I have issues with mine too. So i'd like to see some ideas
  • lisabernard
    lisabernard Posts: 59 Member
    bicycling!!! That helps tremendously! Also swimming.

    - Lisa
  • ReneeOfTheFae
    ReneeOfTheFae Posts: 117
    I have no exercise advice, but if it's only that one knee, maybe you should have your doctor take a look and see if there is anything the matter?
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Leg extensions, particularly with only 30% of the top range of motion, focuses on the knees. I'd recommend having a doctor check your knee first though, before you add them in. Also, while you are exercising, make sure you never let your knees go past your toes in squats and lunges and that your knees and toes are always pointing in the same direction during any other movement, as those actions can cause or aggravate injuries.
  • Ask your docter. Yuo don't know if the advise someone gives you on MFP is right for you and you could actually do more damage than good to your knees.:bigsmile:
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    Yes, it is all about strengthening your leg muscles. They support your knee. When we started bicycling last summer, my knees hurt so bad when sitting or standing, I was near tears. I learned that I needed to pedal at a cadence of 90, which is a fast pedal with slow progress forward. Thankfully it works though and I haven't had that terrible pain this year.
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    Thanks guys. The left one is troublesome too... Just not as bad this time. I hate going to the Dr! ;)
  • Nlakshmi
    Nlakshmi Posts: 72
    Hi, I am having the same issues too after doing 30DS. My knees are hurting like crazy every time I do any exercise now..same places. I think it is the lounges and squats and jumping jacks which did it for me. My doc told me to lay off any stressful exercises that impact the knees for a while as it will only aggravate it more and will end up in more trouble. So I am mainly doing walking till it heals.

    I would be interested in what exercises to do to improve my knees.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    My hubby has arthritis in his knees and had to have surgery to remove a bone spur. His doctor told him that biking and swimming were the best exercises he could do. He also finds that the elliptical helps his knees a bit.

    If you're really concerned, go get your doc to check it out.
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Here's a website with some good exercises.... otherwise, I've got arthritis in my knees and the dr. gave me some good advice. Google knee arthritis exercises you'll get a whole list of different websites. he told me that the best help for knee pain is to strengthen the muscles around it. It's been about a month that I have been doing them faithfully and I can get through 30 DS with a minimum amount of pain. Exercise it, exercise it, exercise it. It will get stronger. Best of luck.
  • I would definitely get it checked out first. The doctor may even want you to do some PT for your knee. I had a bad knee and never really got it checked out. Now, I think I may have to have minor surgery on it.

    But, there are some great websites on ways to strengthen your quads and hamstrings to better support your knee. Just google to see whats out there.

    Here's an example of a site with several exercises for your knees...

    I've found that leg lifts and squats help my knee feel stronger. Also, be careful of the shoes you are wearing to make sure they are supporting your knee.

    And in the meantime, do low-impact exercises like elliptical, swimming, etc.

    But, PLEASE, get it checked out for safety's sake!
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    Honestly, there's not much muscle *directly around* the knees. All you can do is strengthen everything that leads to them. That being said, I did see something on the Doctors a couple weeks back where Dr. Travis did a "kneecap dance".
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member

    And in the meantime, do low-impact exercises like elliptical, swimming, etc.

    But, PLEASE, get it checked out for safety's sake!

    ^^ THAT!!!
    TIFFYBABY83 Posts: 24
    I have had trouble with my knees too, I went to a physical therapist and she told that i need to strengthen my thigh muscle in order to help it , so I do leg raises while laying on flat on my back, point toes straight up and lift your leg up at about 45 degrees , I also do it with my foot tilted out, that strengthens my inner thigh. I would recommend going to the doc and getting it all checked out and they may even refer you to a p.t. to give you the right exercises for you! Good Luck and Have a Wonderful week.
  • JustMichelleB
    JustMichelleB Posts: 290
    Definitely strengthening your legs (esp the quads) help with knee pain.

    The 30D shred is notorious for inducing knee pain. I won't do it for that reason (it caused knee pain for me and many others I know who've tried it). I can do pretty much any other work out and not have a problem, but the 30DS, nope.
  • I had the same trouble with my left knee last year to the point that I had to use a cane to walk. I went to the doctor and he treated me for tendinitis. He told me to ice it and gave me one prescription for anti-infammatory meds. It is good now but I try not to do anything to strenuous that could flare it back up again.
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