Am I the only one on here trying to GAIN weight?

according tho this calorie tracker, I have to eat 3280 calories a day to gain a pound a week.... I've almost reached 6k some days, and still have lost a total of .5 lbs in 3 weeks. I don't even log in everything that I eat. Any suggestions on how I could eat to gain healthy weight?


  • Ttresnjak
    Ttresnjak Posts: 5 Member
    I originally joined to gain weight. I'm a 5'9" woman and when I joined I weighed 110 pounds. I used this app to make sure I was getting enough protein while doing a lot of strength training. I'm 135 now, a healthy weight for my height and I'm much stronger. :-)
  • Ttresnjak
    Ttresnjak Posts: 5 Member
    To answer your question, I stayed away from sugar, and focused on protein and healthy fats from nuts and seeds. I ate a lot of chicken breasts, seafood (salmon, which I don't like, is particularly good), sirloin, almond butter, and chia seeds and supplemented with isopure protein shakes. As a bonus, my hair got really shiny and strong, I think for the healthy fats. Brown rice and supplements containing maltodextrin (slow digesting carb) are also good. Stay away from sugary protein shakes and "weight gain" shakes, since they tend to just make you gain fat. Also, cheese!
  • lonerockz
    lonerockz Posts: 100 Member
    Most MFP folks are here to lose (as am I!). Have you discovered Many more folks looking to bulk there. Not that you can't stay here... but more ideas will come to you there.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    There is a gaining weight section you can post in on MFP forums. Tons of knowledgeable people on the matter.
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    lol there is an entire subforum called "Gaining Weight"
  • coleycoley5
    coleycoley5 Posts: 265 Member
    I'm looking at trimming fat and gaining 1 stone in 12 months. Any eating tips?
  • Julia6767
    Julia6767 Posts: 5 Member
    Dude, I totally feel you. I have such a high metabolism and it takes such a high calorie intake for me to gain weight. Have you tried a mass gainer?? Optimum Nutritions Serious Mass chocolate flavor is a solid product. Ice, cup of milk, table spoon of peanut butter, handful of chocolate chips, a banana and a scoop of O.N. Serious Mass and mix that in a blender... Delicious. You'll definitely put on some mass taking two of those a day (morning and after you afternoon lift). Make sure you're eating you're healthy carbs (rices and such) and high protein intake (salmon & chicken) too!! Hope this helps, because it's helped me :)
  • MitchFjeran
    MitchFjeran Posts: 3 Member
    draznyth wrote: »
    lol there is an entire subforum called "Gaining Weight"

    Haven't really looked into the forums. Lol. I just basically got this thing to help me track my food intake.
  • kkarcher94511
    kkarcher94511 Posts: 196 Member
    tell me about it-you know how many women are trying to bulk?! :/
  • kkarcher94511
    kkarcher94511 Posts: 196 Member
    MTS just came out with a new mass gainer too you could try, love all their products
  • saxofoam
    saxofoam Posts: 5 Member
    Trying to gain also add me as a pal
  • MitchFjeran
    MitchFjeran Posts: 3 Member
    MTS just came out with a new mass gainer too you could try, love all their products
    Thanks! I'll have to try it! I actually like the way mass gainer tastes. Chocolate at least.