New Here But Not New to Trying to Change My Ways

Hi all! At 43 I have been on a "diet" almost every year since I was a teen. This time it's all about accountability and changing the way I look at food. I need to make a lifestyle change. I just can't live in a body that is betraying me more each day. I better treat it well so I can enjoy life again.
Thanks for listening.


  • JennWehry06
    JennWehry06 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you! I will!
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Hi all! At 43 I have been on a "diet" almost every year since I was a teen. This time it's all about accountability and changing the way I look at food. I need to make a lifestyle change. I just can't live in a body that is betraying me more each day. I better treat it well so I can enjoy life again.
    Thanks for listening.
    Hi Jenn :)

    Accountability is the key really, log every thing you put in to your mouth every single day. Don't not log the days you are over, just average it out over the week.

    It is more that we betray our bodies than our bodies betray us. You can do this and this is your starting point, not a diet just a way of life.
  • truelight_photo_craig
    truelight_photo_craig Posts: 347 Member
    Log in daily, be honest about what you eat, and exercise. Don't over-complicate was is already difficult. And never give up. :smile:
  • JennWehry06
    JennWehry06 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks! :smile: I think this app is wonderful. It makes logging my food fun. I need to start on the exercise portion if getting healthy.
  • JennWehry06
    JennWehry06 Posts: 8 Member
    Run, I logged my daily intake the night I got the app and was surprised how many calories I was over. Accountability really is key. I appreciate everybody's support and I am here for you all as well. Just message me if you need to talk about your challenges.