New from San Antonio

Hello All,

I've been a member of MFP for several months, but finally buckled down today and decided to put this app to good use. I love to workout, but often find it hard to get motivated after long days at work or school, and find every excuse in the book to NOT exercise. I also find myself eating out of boredom or because I think my body is telling me it needs food. It's also tough living in a city that's known for its high levels of obesity and is constantly trying to lure you into eating yummy barbacoa or carne asada =(

After reading several blogs, I've been inspired to take charge, be completely honest with myself, and most importantly STOP MAKING EXCUSES!

I am very happy this community exists and I wish everyone here the best of luck on your journey!!

P.S. I am looking to motivate and be motivated. More friends sharing a common goal = less opportunities for me to have pity parties =)


  • waterfallaus
    Oh no pitty parties!! All that food does sound good! However, moderation will help. I too lack motivation to get up and work out after working all day adn being on my feet. However, for me it is only a few days a week out of the home. Right now I am on here instead of running my Wii... I like competition and I am thinking that is the way I will get myself off of this and get moving! Welcome and please feel free to friend me if you like.
  • allibawtez
    allibawtez Posts: 47
    Thanks! I too enjoy competition. I took pictures of myself today, and that was the ultimate motivator for me, because it can be easy to hide behind clothes. So I figure I will have a competition with myself and see if will power will defeat my mind telling me continue to put things off until tomorrow and reward myself with Chick-Fil-A or Krispy Kreme.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    Hello from Austin!
  • allibawtez
    allibawtez Posts: 47
    Hello :smile:
  • ruhimaach
    ruhimaach Posts: 171
    Hello! I'm from San Antonio as well. Please feel free to send me a friend request! I moved here about a year ago and gained a lot of weight....ate out a lot and all that Mexican food is very tasty, but extremely fattening! Good luck with your weight loss. :smile:
  • waterfallaus
    Ha neither of those up here in MN! Not that I really like either, my trip to FL landed me there and was not a fan of Chik a fil. Now give me a Culver's and I am happy!!! Don't really like other fast food places.
  • MeButterfly
    Welcome! I am very new to mfp, just joined saturday. I love this site to keep track of my food and exercise, and to meet so many people all wanting and needing the same as me. So much support here. Add me to your friend list if you would like. :smile:
  • Cindib13
    Cindib13 Posts: 234 Member
    Hi there. I'm in San Antonio too. I moved here about 6 months ago. Still trying to get use to everything (new job, new house, NO friends :frown: ) I have been on this site for a little over a month now and have lost about 10 pounds. I love it. This past week was rough and I ate some things I shouldn't but it's Monday and it's a new week. Feel free to add me. I'm always looking for some new friends. :happy:
  • joamarelo
    joamarelo Posts: 161
    Hello! keep motivated! you can do it!