Hello! Fast food workers??

Marcieb21 Posts: 127 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, I'm Marcie, I'm 18 years old, i'm overweight, and I work at a fast food restaurant. I have worked at the local Wendy's for 2 years and and it has contributed in a bit of my weight gain. When i first started working there i initially lost some weight, being around all the food made me not want to eat any of it. The vanity of fast food vanishes once you see how it is made. Anyways, after about the first two months though i got used to the food and began eating it, and i gained about 20 pounds. slowly but surely. I finally decided that I want to be healthy, and the i want to at least a healthier weight (10 pounds to go until i am in my healthy weight range) But working at Wendy's has been a major obsticle. Seeing all of that food makes me want to eat it, and sometimes i cannot help it. But I am proud to say that I am slowly but surely getting over the cravings and losing the weight. Sometimes i even add up the calories in my head of what people are ordering (uh, sir, did you know the baconator has 900 calores??) anyways, does anyones else out there have a job that makes it hard for them to lose weight?


  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    working third shift makes it hard supposedly..but i've never had a problem.

    i guess i'm lucky i have great will power
  • allystone
    allystone Posts: 134 Member
    I actually worked at my local wendys from age 15 to 18. I actually didn't like the food--then got used to it..and gained some weight..but then I started making salad's and eating more of the chilli--and potatoes-and instead of drinking the free soda, i switched to just drinking iced tea and lost around 30 lbs-but i also closed 5 nights a week towards the end of it, and that' s alot of work doing dishes-and everything..it's easy just think about your choices.
  • fitcrew
    fitcrew Posts: 67 Member
    I have never worked at a fast food joint but I can imagine if I did and wasnt motivated to be healthy how bad that could be....I can offer some advice though!!

    1.Pack a lunch (in a good size pack) everyday with fruits,veggies,nuts,lean meats etc anything healthy and think about how good those things are for you and if you eat them, how healthy you will be and what it will do for you.....weight loss has so much to do with mental focus.

    2. look at the nutrition facts as a reminder of just how bad fast food is....IMO fast food chains are the devil....if we make the choice to eat I think we just dont care about ourselves :(

    3. reassure yourself everyday of your goals and challenge yourself to see how long you can go without eating there!! I cut out fast food all together 5 years ago and I am soooo glad that I did.If I end up having to eat at one, I try to find the best things on the menu and make due. I get sick from the grease if I try to eat the naughty stuff and its terrible!

    good luck to you :)
  • new_view
    new_view Posts: 47 Member
    I work at a pizza place! Equally terrible! I gained my 20 extra pounds over the last two years working there. It has been pretty easy to get over the cravings for it because I know how many calories are in each thing we have now thankfully since I looked it all up!

    When I do have to give into the pizza craving I get the thin veggie pizza with super light cheese and only eat one or two MAX slices. I am always left feeling less full than if I had eaten something I cooked so I am even pretty much over wanting even that.

    Here is what I had to do:

    1. Bring lots of food to work. When I have a 6-10 hour shift ahead of me I pack two snacks and something as a meal. I use to chop up fruits as one of the snacks because I can continually pop a piece of apple in my mouth anytime a craving hits but I have stopped eating fruit after 2pm so no more fruit for me, but yay veggies!

    2. I have 4 re-usable water bottles that I bring to work every day because otherwise I end up wanting soda (havent had any at work in 3 months now!) I bring one bottle of home brewed unsweet green tea and the other three are water.

    3. I told my co-workers that I don't eat pizza anymore. I know this part sounds stupid and awkward but otherwise they would continually offer me the canceled orders and such. Now they know not to mention it to me and they are supportive. On days when I want a pizza they tell me not to get it (as they eat it lol).

    Anyways it can be done.

    Just gotta tell yourself NO to that food you know is crap and start preparing a replacement of your own.

    Best of Luck!

    Also if you want to add me feel free
  • kalymae
    kalymae Posts: 4
    hey i work at subway... and i definately gained weight when i first started working their by making bad choices... ie the cookies which are 210 calories a piece.... and i definately ate more than one a day lol.... I started making better choices but it is hard. Knowing the nutritional value of your food will help a lot, its helped me a lot. ... things like eating 1/2 the amounts of soup / chili...or taking off the top half of the bun on a burger (subs for me) thats cut down a lot of calories for me lately... and i find that during slow times i tend to snack more, so Ive been trying to drink more water or pop or whatever to stop from munching during the dead hours..
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    Hi there,

    My part time job is aged care, companionship, shopping, and living assistance. My newest client is in a nursing home and my job is, on my way to visit, pick up a piece of chocolate mud cake and a bottle of iced coffee, cut the mudcake in half, and then sit and chat for an hour while eating my 1/2 of the mudcake. If I don't eat my client wont. I work it off on my stationary bike. The way I look at it, I'll end up with great looking legs :-)
    Another elderly client is Chinese and migrated to Australia from China 17 years ago. Because we get on so well and she really likes me, she will (literally) put food in my hand, or extra on my plate, for me to eat. Friends who are Chinese or understand the culture say there is no way I can't eat the stuff.
    For the sake of loving people, I accept that it may take a bit longer to reach my goal weight.
    Anyone else with these 'challenges'?
  • c0untingsheep
    c0untingsheep Posts: 159 Member
    I work at Popeyes and I used to eat stuff last summer while on shift but after seeing how it was made and gaining a few pounds, I stopped. I don't crave fast food much to being with though. I mostly ate it 'cause I had nothing else to eat during my 6 hour shifts and because it was free. Now I eat a big breakfast and drink ice cold water on shift. It helps me not get hungry while at work.
  • working third shift makes it hard supposedly..but i've never had a problem.

    i guess i'm lucky i have great will power

    Me too :) I thought it would be an issue but I was wrong....... -42.2 total. Since feb 17 2011
  • Marcieb21
    Marcieb21 Posts: 127 Member
    Thanks everyone for you support, you've given me some great ideas on how to eat healthier while i'm working! :D
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    I don't work at a fast food place but I do work at a grocery store. I've managed to gain 20+ pounds over the course of a year because of this. I find myself always eating something during my break and buying something unhealthy after work such as pork ribs, fried chicken, buffalo wings, etc. However, I stopped doing that. The only thing I buy now is the healthy stuff such as spinach, tomatoes, salmon, protein bars, etc. I also took away red meat from the diet. So far, so good.
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