Newbie and struggling to get motivated... O.O.O.

healthyjewels Posts: 4 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Oh Where do I begin????

Out of Shape

I don't know where to start


  • joamarelo
    joamarelo Posts: 161
    jaja Relax, keep calm...first add friends so they can help you with your goal ;)
  • theladebug
    theladebug Posts: 54 Member
    I hear ya, I was there just a month ago, I guess the only advice that I can give is to do something. Anything at all. It's better than what you are doing now and a step in the right direction.

    Track your calories - even if you didn't eat "healthy", that way you know what you're up against calorie-wise and where you are eating versus what your daily goal should be to lose weight.

    Take a walk... to the mailbox, to the end of the street, around the block.... whatever you can do.

    Today might be hard, but tomorrow will be easier :)
  • chikkity
    chikkity Posts: 9
    I am right there with you! I would love to help encourage you. I am new here too! Feel free to add me as a friend! I too need all the motivation I can get! We can do it!!! :)
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