Women with a 30+ pound weight loss goal

I'd like some accountability in my life. Serious ladies only! I want to have a feed going where I can see my friends making positive choices and hitting goals. Would anyone like to add me? Backstory, I was 192, down to 179, short goal is 165 and final goal is 135. I have a looooong way to go!


  • DButcher146
    DButcher146 Posts: 7 Member
    I have about 80 to lose. You can add me if you'd like
  • martinakeast
    martinakeast Posts: 1 Member
    I also have 80 to loose. Struggling to keep focussed. Pls add me
  • gabrielabolanos83
    gabrielabolanos83 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all, I have been on the getting healthy journey since January 20th. I started by going for long walks during the evenings and eating better. It is very hard to stay focus, but if you keep going the results will keep you going. My starting weight was 193 lbs and this morning I weight 151.8 lbs; I still want to lose 20 more lbs by the end of August, you can add me if you like.
  • gaiagal3
    gaiagal3 Posts: 39 Member
    Anyone please feel free to add me as well. I've lost almost 100 lbs and have about 30-40 to go.
  • bstanb01
    bstanb01 Posts: 30 Member
    I've got about 40 lbs to lose long term.
  • agreenid
    agreenid Posts: 218 Member
    Started this time at 198 (was 290+in 2005) and am 182 currently. Goal is 160 before re-evaluation - feel free to add me! I try to comment and interact with my friends on here as some days it's what keeps me going.
  • nesetm
    nesetm Posts: 20 Member
    I have about 40 to lose
  • Gemini7637
    Gemini7637 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi ,
    I started on Monday at 190lbs. This doesn't look good on a 5ft 3 inch frame. I don't know what it is but something seems to have clicked into place and I am feeling super motivated. Would love to get rid of 50lbs and then see where I go from there. Just taken my measurements and before shots which are shocking for me to look at. I really have been plodding along and ignoring how big I am. I want to be fit and healthy and a positive role model for my kids.
    We can do this!
  • FreyaIsAFreak
    FreyaIsAFreak Posts: 21 Member
    This is a little weird but I have just started and I am 192 exactly, and I want to get down to 126 in the long run, but hoping to get a little bit smaller by summer
  • cats7
    cats7 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I weigh 230 exactly. My goal is to lose 40 pounds by the end of August. My long term goal is to be in the 140 area. Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • rmoinichen
    rmoinichen Posts: 3 Member
    Heyo, I started being really dedicated to losing weight 30 days ago. I started out at 189, which is unhealthy on my 5'5 frame. I'm down to 180, and am starting to notice some results. I get frustrated some days, as theres social drinking situations i cant avoid and end up drinking my calories. My solution so far has been to kill it at the gym when im discouraged, and keep going. Not alot of support here, so i could use some if you'd like to add me :)
  • nicollesexton92
    nicollesexton92 Posts: 3 Member
    I have 84lbs at least to lose. You can all add me if you want
  • MelissaAnn1983
    MelissaAnn1983 Posts: 149 Member
    Lots in common. 5'2 175 I want to be 135 also. I recently gained 15 lbs back in the last month I think. No clue why or how. Add me.