
Anyone here have a hypo thryoid? Id si, any suggestions on foods to eat and avoid? There are numerous books out, but I get mixed messages.


  • grandmanita
    grandmanita Posts: 59 Member
    bump, sure need some answers to this question.
  • BeckyKSmith
    BeckyKSmith Posts: 212 Member
    I am on synthroid. I have been doing this for 70 days and lost 20lbs. Patience is a virtue. I used to be able to lose 2lbs a week easily, now I lose about 1. Make sure you go to the doctor to get your TSH checked and keep your TSH around 1-2. I keep mine less than 1 and that seems to help (I have a doctor who does whatever I want with my meds). I also workout in the morning when I have the most energy. By the end of the day, I feel more exhausted.....kind of like my thyroid energy has "ran out" (not sure if that is true, but sure feels like it).

    As far as foods go, that won't make a difference. Just eat lots of fruits, veg, lean meats, healthy carbs.
  • kakaiie
    kakaiie Posts: 19
    i have hyperthyroid though i've been hypothy for a few months cos of adverse effect of my medication. but my hormones are normal now. anyway, there's nothing to avoid really. just drink your meds according to your physician's order.. i'm a nursing student if that helps....
  • kirra_80
    kirra_80 Posts: 36
    I have hypothyroidism and I take synthroid for it everyday in the morning before I eat. I've never heard anything about needing to avoid certain foods though. Hypothyroidism is a condition where your thyroid stops working and the medication steps in where the thyroid would normally be working. I don't believe that has anything to do with food. Has your doctor told you otherwise? I just know that I'm not supposed to eat anything when I get up and take the pill for at least half hour till the pill is absorbed by the body because the body tends to have trouble absorbing the medication.
  • KLo924
    KLo924 Posts: 379 Member
    I'm hypo, regulated by synthroid (was hyper before a partial thyroidectomy in 1998). There are SO many mixed messages out there about foods - soy, it seems like, in particular (or maybe that's just b/c I'm vegetarian and it's what I'm reading). I also have PCOS, btw, so I'm not sure what is specifically related to thyroid and what is to pcos - but - I asked my endocrinologist about what to eat for both of these since I'm trying to lose weight. She said, basically: whatever works for me. She said many people have had success with low-glycemic index, which I generally try to stick to, and I have felt better.

    The important thing for thyroid, I gather, is making sure your levels are correct (T4, T3, TSH, etc.). If they are, this shouldn't affect weight loss too much. What affects that of the things we're putting into our body - like you said and I've gotten to in a convoluted way lol - is up in the air. Also, weight loss will affect your thyroid (likely going to lower doses of synthroid with lower weight).
  • ReneeOfTheFae
    ReneeOfTheFae Posts: 117
    I'm a hypo and asked my doctor the same question; as I had read numerous articles on goitrogenic foods and so on. Her response? She wasn't sure. However, she sent me to the Mayo Clinic website. Said website told me that the goitrogenic food "scare" is a myth. Everything in moderation is fine.
    Then again, it's that moderation that I have trouble with! :P
    Good luck! *^_^*
  • Mama_cc
    Mama_cc Posts: 45 Member
    I have had hypothyroidism for ten years. I switched from a GP managing it, to a specialist- this made a big difference. My endo tests are more specific and put me on two thyroid meds.
    One thing he told me was to take my meds with a large glass of water in the morning and wait 30 min to 1 hour before eating or even drinking coffee. I tried this by waking up 30 min early. He said that it allows the meds to "get going" with out interference from food. After 30 min, I enjoy my coffee. I do feel a difference since I switched to this way of taking meds. Also, I make sure to take any other meds prescribed at a different time of day, as not to interfere w/thyroid meds.

    My endo has never told me that certain foods were helpful/harmful. I am just glad to be within normal thyroid range thanks to my endo! Love him!!

    Good luck on this. The thyroid is a tricky thing- I get mine checked every three months, and sometimes I am surprised how off it is. Whenever I have a bloat fest, I know it is probably good ol' 'roid.
  • mjemerson
    mjemerson Posts: 141
    I am hypothyroid. Been on medication for 13 years. They actually just dropped my medication again from 175 mcg to 150 mcg because of my weight loss. I do not take the generic version because I was told by a specialist that it will not keep your TSH level but will make it yo-yo! Ever since I stopped generic it has worked wonders. I have never found any foods that help/hurt. Just make sure you take the meds and get your levels checked regularly. I am now at the point that I can feel when they are off and I just call the dr, and ask for more blood work.
  • maria1993
    maria1993 Posts: 112
    I just say avoid processed foods at all costs. While I don't have it I will tell you that I had a dog who did. She was on high doses of medication and after I started feeding her what she would have eaten in the wild (prey model raw) the amount of medicine she had to take kept dropping. Until she came off of it completely.. This isn't an uncommon occurrence either,..
  • whateverdamnit
    Someone literally just started a thread on Hypothyroidism on the General Diet and Weight Loss Help page, if you want to check that out. I have Hypothyroidism and really struggle with weight loss. Possibly not on the right dose of meds, either. I only take 25mcg of Levothyroxine every day.
  • fmorpurgo
    fmorpurgo Posts: 32
    I am going to have a blood test on thursday to see if my thyroid is functioning properly-Whatever diet i try, and I have tried them ALL- I lose a pound or so in the first week (obviously water) AND THEN NOTHING, despite me sticking to a 1200 calorie diet or slightly more. I do about an hour of walking or gym work per day, and am becoming quite down about this now. Can anyone help, or give suggestions-?? Thanks x :sad:
  • KLo924
    KLo924 Posts: 379 Member
    I am hypothyroid. Been on medication for 13 years. They actually just dropped my medication again from 175 mcg to 150 mcg because of my weight loss. I do not take the generic version because I was told by a specialist that it will not keep your TSH level but will make it yo-yo! Ever since I stopped generic it has worked wonders. I have never found any foods that help/hurt. Just make sure you take the meds and get your levels checked regularly. I am now at the point that I can feel when they are off and I just call the dr, and ask for more blood work.

    I just wanted to second the part about generics. Usually I'm all for generics, but with the generic for synthroid I had a lot of touble - no energy for a while, heart palpitations here and there, etc. I had been on name-brand synthroid before with no real problems, and have been back on it for over a year holding steady.