Florida & Georgia Residents?

♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
edited September 26 in Chit-Chat
My husband and I have been talking about moving down south where it is warmer (we are in Chicago). Was wondering if anyone had some insight of good areas ... and what the living situation is.

We currently are middle class here in Chicago, and would have to find jobs etc. as well as housing (possibly buying a mfr home).

Thanks for your help


  • dustylcsmith
    dustylcsmith Posts: 23 Member

    I live in Northwest Ga. You can send me a personal message if you have any questions.

  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    its too expensive to live any place decent in florida..plus there are no jobs like anywhere else in america. if i were you i'd wait till the economy gets better..in never probably. florida is very expensive to own a house..the insurance is more than your house payment will be due to hurricans, flooding etc. and the houses are very expensive.
  • Newnan Georgia is a very nice area as are most places located around atlanta. (Never lived there, just visited family) I have lived in Panama City Beach, FL and the beaches are VERY nice. and they are building more and more around here they just put in an international airport last year!
    This is a big tourist area so most jobs cater to tourists. Destin Florida is beautiful, Orlando is where i'll be going soon, my family loves it down there. Sorry i can't give you many details, i'm only 19 and i just worry about part time jobs and schools. :(
  • Don't come to Pensacola! The job market STINKS and home insurance is really expensive :frown: Northwest Georgia is nice--- not sure how jobs are there these days, but cost of living isn't bad at all. And it's a beautiful place to live :smile:
  • SoFLYFireman
    SoFLYFireman Posts: 170 Member
    I live in Winder, about 15 min from UGA campus. If you like changing weather you'll love GA lol like they say "if you dont like Georgia's weather, wait a few minutes"
  • Living in Florida my whole life I absolutely loved Florida!!! Sure the insurance on your house is a little more...But you could always rent. Jobs are a little bit hard to find But they are out there...((St. Petersburg))...As for Georgia which I currently live in due to my husband is in the Army Its not too bad..I have filled out a couple applications and it is no easier finding a job here either. But it is warmer than Chicago!!! Good luck with your decsion...and remember 'NO RISK, NO REWARD' Hope this helps:)
  • If you like changing weather you'll love GA lol like they say "if you dont like Georgia's weather, wait a few minutes"

    I completely agree with this!!! I have never seen it sunny one minute and then 20 minutes later it could be pouring down rain!!!
  • Terriwin
    Terriwin Posts: 46 Member
    I moved from New Jersey to Georgia - and I love it! Sometimes, the pollen season and summer humidity can be difficult, but a small price to pay for such a nice place to live.
  • megannnn15
    megannnn15 Posts: 36 Member
    Florida! Of course I've lived here my entire life, but I definitely love it. There ARE jobs and since the housing market is crappy you can find a decent place to live for a good price :)
  • GEORGIA!!!!
  • Run4iiiiiit
    Run4iiiiiit Posts: 489 Member
    I could never live anywhere but Florida. Houses are cheap now and jobs are tough to get everywhere.
  • cieraangel
    cieraangel Posts: 88 Member
    Gotta love Georgia!
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