Starting again!

I lost a significant amount of weight after college, but have put it all plus more back on since having two kids. Lots of work to do, but I think I am ready this time. Just introducing myself...


  • topathemorning
    topathemorning Posts: 346 Member
    edited May 2015
    I hear ya on that. I lost 30 pounds a few years back, gained them plus another 20. I just lost 5 1/2, but it's going to be at least a year long journey to lose lots more. I'm in it for the long haul. We can do this!

  • Mama_on_a_Bike
    Mama_on_a_Bike Posts: 4 Member
    Glad to know I am not the only one! :)
  • eoakland
    eoakland Posts: 14 Member
    I'm start once again but really want to stick with it. Add me if you like