Overwieght, Out of Shape, and Tired of It - Seeking "Friends"

Hi, I'm Stacy and as my discussion title states, that's pretty much why I'm on My Fitness Pal. I've tired a gazillion diets, but with only temporary and partial success. My son eats Paleo and has encouraged me to try the same. I have been on it for less than a week, and I've noticed that the days I followed the plan, I felt so great; the days I "cheated" so to speak, I felt awful.

BTW, I have approximately 75 pounds to lose to reach my ideal weight.

Anyhow, I'm looking for friends to join me on the road to getting fit and healthy. I hope this doesn't sound picky, but I need friends who have the courage to tell me to quit feeling sorry for myself, to get back on track, and so on. Likewise, I will do the same for you. I just joined the Primal/Paleo group and hope to learn a thing or two.

Well, thanks for taking the time to read this. Have a fantastic day! :)


  • Jenkorp72
    Jenkorp72 Posts: 103 Member
    Hi! I have the same amount of weight to lose. I am a clean eating lifestyle lady. I will send you a request and I will be a cheerleader for you and have no problem pushing when necessary! Feel free to accept. If not, best wishes on your journey!
  • blondenbubbly
    blondenbubbly Posts: 38 Member
    Hello, My name is Crystal, I'm 35, born in Michigan but now I live in Ohio.
    I have been doing MFP for a little over a year. I had lost almost 40lbs on it but kinda fell off the wagon. So here I am now down 26lbs and of need of losing at least 75lbs more. It's not easy but with friends it really makes a difference. If you would like to add me I would love to help try to keep you motivated.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Feel free to add me .I started out a couple of years ago weighting about 250 and completely unfit. After sticking around here I am 195lb and I've just ran a triathlon. MFP works!!! Still got a way to go to be where I really want to be but I have been transformed here. The biggest thing I realised as that its not my diet that needed to change but me. This took a while but by watching others that were successful I realised it was the only way to do it. If you want some moral support feel free to add me.
  • fionamcevoy54
    fionamcevoy54 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm Fiona..new here..but encouraged by my weight loss so far..good luck to all here...
  • Colt45915
    Colt45915 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi all, feel free to add me. Im 24 and in the same boat as I have 80lbs. to lose.
  • pez37
    pez37 Posts: 44 Member
    Hello Stacy, trying livea fit and healthy lifestyle myself. I try to a positive attitude on the journey. Feel to add me everyone. Good luck.
  • eoakland
    eoakland Posts: 14 Member
    Hey there add me and let's help each other