Kettlebells - anyone seen good results?

I'm aiming to slot a kettlebell routine into my exercise schedule somewhere, but need motivation! I've got Angie Miller's Kettlebell Bootcamp DVD so thought I'd start with that.
Has anyone used any routines that they can recommend, or have you seen good results with kettlebells? Where on your body have you seen the results? I need help with abs and bingo wings!


  • gtm124
    gtm124 Posts: 179
    I'm aiming to slot a kettlebell routine into my exercise schedule somewhere, but need motivation! I've got Angie Miller's Kettlebell Bootcamp DVD so thought I'd start with that.
    Has anyone used any routines that they can recommend, or have you seen good results with kettlebells? Where on your body have you seen the results? I need help with abs and bingo wings!

    I got the workout from KettleWorx and sadly I didn't stay with the workouts. However, I do use the 10 lb bell during commercials while watching TV where I stand and do the leg cross, curls, and presses. I go to a fitness center, ride a bike and walk for the majority of my exercise. I do like the kettlebell design and find it comfortable to use.
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    I recently started using kettlebells and bought a DVD, Kettlebell Bombshell and love it so far. The instructor and I have been messaging back and forth and she suggests doing 2 sets of each workout (I am only using 10 lbs. and she recommends 15-20 lbs.)
    So far I love the workout, but have not been on a regular schedule as of yet due to migraines and a possible pinched nerve issue. Hopefully within the next few days I can get on a regular schedule.
  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    I have a couple of friends that use a kettleball and they look awesome, very tone. I have seen their workout schedules and they look hard. I'd say go for it!
    Right now I'm doing 30 day shred then I'm going to get a kettleball and give it a go!
  • Lindsayrob
    Lindsayrob Posts: 247 Member
    Thanks for your replies - that's helpful. I must get on and do it.
    I've considered 30 day shred but the reviews on Amazon look a bit scarey for a relative beginner! Maybe in a month or two ...
  • rachelhohenbrink
    rachelhohenbrink Posts: 179 Member
    I like Jillian Michael Shred It with Weights she uses kettlebell or hand weights. It works on ABS, shoulders, arms, back and legs. The routine is awesome it has (as all her workouts ) beginner, intermediate & advanced workout and 2 levels. She sells her own kettlebell on and its adjustalbe 5-20 lbs or she also sells individual kettlebell weights in a set of 3 (5, 10 & 15 lbs I think)
  • Lindsayrob
    Lindsayrob Posts: 247 Member
    That sounds like the ideal Jillian Michael DVD for me to start with! I've got a range of kettlebells so will start small and work up!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Jillian had very little experience with kettlebells before filming this video. Her form is dreadful. Anyway this DVD is rated as advanced. Your Angie Miller DVD sounds like a better fit.
  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    Thanks for your replies - that's helpful. I must get on and do it.
    I've considered 30 day shred but the reviews on Amazon look a bit scarey for a relative beginner! Maybe in a month or two ...

    It is hard but you take it at your own pace and stop whenever you need to. I even am taking today off because I am sore. Sore is a good thing... Now the kettle ball scares me but I do want to give it a try later on with a good DVD
  • Lindsayrob
    Lindsayrob Posts: 247 Member
    Thanks for your replies - that's helpful. I must get on and do it.
    I've considered 30 day shred but the reviews on Amazon look a bit scarey for a relative beginner! Maybe in a month or two ...

    It is hard but you take it at your own pace and stop whenever you need to. I even am taking today off because I am sore. Sore is a good thing... Now the kettle ball scares me but I do want to give it a try later on with a good DVD

    I'm sore today - two days after a 10 minute kettlebell set! The weird thing is, it's my legs rather than my arms that hurt! But like you say, sore is good ...
  • ms_magiana
    ms_magiana Posts: 11
    If it is your legs and butt that are sore, you are doing it correctly! :)
    As far as results go.... I have been doing just 1 30-minute kettlebell workout a week for the past 6 weeks. (plus some other cardio like spinning class 2 times a week). Last Saturday I got my first "Wow, your hips have shrunk" comment from another lady I see at the Y occasionally. YIPPEE! I have also found my lower belly pooch has tighten considerably after incorporating kettlebells and other 'core training' exercises.

    For learning correct form, I recommend all the ones mentioned previously (Lauren Brooks, etc.) and especially Delaine Ross,
    who runs a kettlebell gym in Atlanta. is her website. On her site she explains why kettlebells are so great! :smile:

    She has several GREAT videos on Youtube. Delaine Ross.

    "How to Perform the Kettlebell Swing" ....