Ahhhhh first post.

Heyyy. I'm Katie. I have been using myfitnesspal for almost 50 days now. I have lost 20 pounds since April 2nd. I feel amazing, and I'm only halfway to my goal. People have noticed, they say I look like I'm losing weight... and I am so ready to SHOCK them. Make their jaws drop. I am so much more confident than I have ever been. I started this journey at 173. I am now 153. When I finish, I will be at least 133. I haven't been that small since high school. And my 10 year anniversary is coming up next year! Woah! Anyway, I have been neglecting writing one of these "Introduce Yourself" posts, because I mainly just use this app to keep track of my calories. But I would love to connect with others on the same journey as me. I feel like I'm finally ready.. I want to help others, get motivated and inspired by your stories, etc. =) Anyway thanks for reading! =)


  • verhunzt
    verhunzt Posts: 154 Member
    Hey! We pretty much have the same stats right now and around the same goal! I will add you if you dont mind. :) xo
  • XxXxBethlrxXxX
    XxXxBethlrxXxX Posts: 4 Member
    Hey, I've never wrote posts on here too, I've always used My Fitness Pal on my own to just calorie count, I was the same stats too but unfortunately over the last month or so I've gone from 152lbs to 162. Motivation is slightly low but I'm ready to get back on it.
    Beach body here we come!