280 to 180.....anyone else?



  • 2009jewellz
    2009jewellz Posts: 187 Member
    Please add me I love to help!! Anyone.
  • SarahSmiles0x
    SarahSmiles0x Posts: 63 Member
    I started at 280....I got to 262 and stopped for a while...now I'm back at it and dropped to 256...im also looking for friends on a similar journey...add me if u want :)
  • brandymk
    brandymk Posts: 33 Member
    I'm there with you! Feel free to add me.
  • ryoungfamily
    ryoungfamily Posts: 11 Member
    edited May 2015
    Recently restarted. Started at 293 and down to 272 but stuck for the last month. Haven't given up. Just keep doing what I am supposed to and having faith it will happen. Feel free to add me. Anyone else feel free to add also. We all need to help each other.
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    I'm on a similar journey. Started at 293 and currently stuck at 238 or so. I'm working to get to 185 (my weight when I wrestled in high school). I believe I can do this.

    Anyone on a similar journey; please feel free to friend me. The struggle is real for all of us. Together we can build each other up and be a foundation for each other.
  • lynnrj
    lynnrj Posts: 5 Member
    In the same boat . Started 4 weeks ago at 247 , down to 237 . Looking to reach 150-160 . I have no time limit on reaching my goal , I just want to do it the right way. With healthy eating and exercise .
  • SolitudesMuse
    SolitudesMuse Posts: 67 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me. Highest weight was 264. Currently at 241.2. My tentative goal is 190, and then I'll reevaluate how I feel and look.
  • adkins09
    adkins09 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone I am in the same boat started a diet last week. I gained about 50 to 60 pounds in 5 years due to me quitting my original diet after having a miscarriage. I miss the person I was waking up early to hit the gym before work and eating healthy so it is high time for me to get back on track so I can be the best me for me as well as my husband and our families. I am looking for friends to keep me motivated so please add me if you are looking for a friend :smiley:
  • Harlequin1983
    Harlequin1983 Posts: 30 Member
    I am not new to my weightloss journey, but is still a struggle for me every day! Any of you can add me! I enjoy the community and support!
  • sondyscraps
    sondyscraps Posts: 35 Member
    Hi there I'm re-starting again today (got on the scale at 269 today :( the biggest I've been was 275 but I was in my last week of being pregnant so it isn't really a true weight) feel free to add me I have my sites set on losing small goals first but would love to ultimately reach a good bmi that works for me. I'm 28 and been overweight/obese all my life. I have 2 children 6 & 4, they are my reason to improve myself.
  • neastham54
    neastham54 Posts: 1 Member
    I am at 257 ( well actually 254 now). 5'"6". Last two dr visits my blood work shows pre diabetic. This one really worried me because I was fasting before the blood test. My doc recommended MFP and my wife and I both joined this week. Feel free to add me because I am tired of being called "fat man" by some of my friends.
  • naijagirltech
    naijagirltech Posts: 2 Member
    Started my diet a month ago weighing 110kg. I'm looking to lose 70lbs within the year. Really need the support as its my first time dieting. Please feel free to add me.
  • tlmeyn
    tlmeyn Posts: 369 Member
    Started in March at 265 (highest 305) and now am down to 231. Goal is 160. Hopefully within 12 months.

    Feel free to add me. I am also a member of this lovely group. Nice people there.


  • Journey30toLife
    Journey30toLife Posts: 17 Member
    Hi there I'm re-starting again today (got on the scale at 269 today :( the biggest I've been was 275 but I was in my last week of being pregnant so it isn't really a true weight) feel free to add me I have my sites set on losing small goals first but would love to ultimately reach a good bmi that works for me. I'm 28 and been overweight/obese all my life. I have 2 children 6 & 4, they are my reason to improve myself.
    Hey!!! I am Samantha, I just sent you a friend's request. I just turned 32, I have 2 boys. My highest weight was 287.6 but my weight that I am always at when I am not dieting is 275 give or take a pound. I too want to get down to 180-190. I think we could be great motivation for each other since our weights and goals are so similar :)

  • lindaloo1213
    lindaloo1213 Posts: 283 Member
    In Sept 2014 I weighed 287. Just hit 199 this weekend. Add me if you like!
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    I started at 275.8 and am 66.6 lbs into the 100 lbs... I know what a long journey it can be! Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • JessF2003
    JessF2003 Posts: 26 Member
    I started "thinking" healthier in February & started mfp in March. Since then I've lost 37.2 pounds! I started at 286. Mostly I've just ate a lot healthier and within my calories goal. I did get a Fitbit zip in April to remind myself to walk more too. This weekend I was able to buy smaller jeans & words cannot describe how excited I was about that! For once I had to decide which of the 20 pairs I tried on & actually fit nicely I wanted to buy! The picture on the left popped up on my "time hop" app this weekend, the right was exactly one year later! It's not the easiest journey, but thankfully mostly everything is habit now!
  • MyCatThinksImFat
    MyCatThinksImFat Posts: 16 Member
    HI, I'm current 276ish pounds, started at around 320lb I'm creepy up on -50lbs slowly.. I'm 5'10 24 y/o Still have another 80lb or so to go add me !
  • ignarskij
    ignarskij Posts: 3 Member
    I agree with Jenna, I am not new to this but I need the support and motivation! Please add me as a friend. My daughter is joining for the first time as well.
  • BlackKat21
    BlackKat21 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey my goal is also 100lbs....encouragement is great maybe we could help each other with that