Brand new and need friends / support

Ramsden1985 Posts: 11 Member
Hi all, I'm Darren, 29 years old from Manchester UK. I joined MFP after a good friend told me about it and showed me her results.

I was a vivid believer of the Herbalife programme for well over 12 months, losing over 3 stone in that time, but alas when the programme stopped, the weight gain started, and it didn't take long for me to be sat at more weight than I started!

I'm interested in losing the weight the real proper way now, looking at portion sizes and counting calories will surely help me in my goal.

If anybody would like to add me on here to support, and keep me going I would love it !

Thanks again all, and nice to meet everybody!


  • howsa06
    howsa06 Posts: 582 Member
    The right way is the hard way, but the best way. I thought about trying that advocare program because I have seen some amazing results with it, but you have to keep investing in the products, and it gets expensive. This way is free and changes your lifestyle. It's not a program or a diet. I think the most important thing is logging all of the food you eat every day. Good luck. Friend request sent.
  • howsa06
    howsa06 Posts: 582 Member
    The right way is the hard way, but the best way. I thought about trying that advocare program because I have seen some amazing results with it, but you have to keep investing in the products, and it gets expensive. This way is free and changes your lifestyle. It's not a program or a diet. I think the most important thing is logging all of the food you eat every day. Good luck. Friend request sent.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I'm glad that you've realized that herbalife and all those mlm scams aren't the way to go. It's really a waste of money.
    All you need to buy is a food scale and you'll be fine :-) weighing and measuring everything you consume is most important.
    There's many people here who have lost tons of weight and kept it off for years. Browse through the success stories, they're very inspiring :-) Best of luck !
  • Ramsden1985
    Ramsden1985 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks guys I totally intend to read around these forums lots !! Yeah your right herbalife worked in essence but it was costing me more and more to keep up, not only the base shakes but the aloe gel drink, the supplements , the extra protein powder way more expensive than other protein powders, and when I eventually stopped the weight just crept back slowly, now I'm bigger than I started ! I'm focused, I wanna start a family and I need to take a grip of my weight and lifestyle.

    Thanks for the support guys! Oh one thing to ask, this weekend is my brother in laws 18th birthday and we are going out, does anybody have ask my advice on alcoholic drinks to drink that are least in calories, but also fairly manly!! I'm not sure I can handle asking for a gin and diet bitter lemon at the bar !! Thanks again!
  • tdatsenko
    tdatsenko Posts: 155 Member
    Thanks guys I totally intend to read around these forums lots !! Yeah your right herbalife worked in essence but it was costing me more and more to keep up, not only the base shakes but the aloe gel drink, the supplements , the extra protein powder way more expensive than other protein powders, and when I eventually stopped the weight just crept back slowly, now I'm bigger than I started ! I'm focused, I wanna start a family and I need to take a grip of my weight and lifestyle.

    Thanks for the support guys! Oh one thing to ask, this weekend is my brother in laws 18th birthday and we are going out, does anybody have ask my advice on alcoholic drinks to drink that are least in calories, but also fairly manly!! I'm not sure I can handle asking for a gin and diet bitter lemon at the bar !! Thanks again!

    A Guinness is only ~130 calories.
  • adam_hodgson
    adam_hodgson Posts: 123 Member
    From Liverpool feel free to add
  • Blazing_Brunette
    Blazing_Brunette Posts: 217 Member
    Welcome ... Add meeeeee
  • chrisssam
    chrisssam Posts: 106 Member
    All it takes is you putting in the time to make yourself better.... With just working out I lost 18 pounds... Just me at home.... So you can do it to. Just eat better and portion control and you will get to your fitness goal. Welcome
  • Ramsden1985
    Ramsden1985 Posts: 11 Member
    Absolutely :) am focused! Guys keep on adding me i defo want more supporters and to be able to support !
  • Aszam1
    Aszam1 Posts: 1 Member
    As someone who used to be in amazing shape (Olympic shape I'd say, litterally), there's only two advices I can think of really.

    1. find something you like as a sport or exercise : at first the idea of losing weight and/or being in a better shape may be enough to make you exercise, but if the sole reason for your "workout" is the result, chances are it will only make it harder, and sometimes hard enough for you to want to quit. So, if you like let's say playing football or riding your bike, start with that... make it FUN ;)

    2. Take your time : It's not that easy to get the result wanted as it require to work hard and change habits/lifestyle, No one goes from couch potato to elite level athlete in a week or a month, and it's OK that way.

    and yeah, resting IS important.
