any information is helpful

Hi guys!

So I want to get down to basics I am 5ft 2 and around 112-110lbs in no means do I think I am fat. I just really want to look athletic and lean.

I am currently doing Kayla itsines bikini body guide and I'm on week 4.

I work a job were I walk almost 8 miles in my 8 hour shift. 5×s a week. Like today my fitbit sait I tool 20,661 steps in one 8hour shift. Its the same every shift.

I do resistance training on Mon, wed, and Fri. And I am doing my best to eat healthy...
I'm eating around 1656 calories a day (that's my tdee)

Idk if I should be eating more or less, what my diet should consist of. I feel so lost am so scared that I am putting in all this effort and won't get any results.... Any suggestions will help. And please don't be rude.


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    What kind of resistance training it progressive and heavy

    If you want a slow recomp then you eat at or slightly below TDEE

    If you want to bulk and cut you eat above

    Focus on your protein and fat macros as minimums

    Set protein at 0.64-0.82g P per lb bodyweight
    Fat at 0.35g f per lb bodyweight

    Your TDEE sounds relatively low for that level of activity tbh ...are you sure
  • Abs_and_Kitties
    Abs_and_Kitties Posts: 21 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    What kind of resistance training it progressive and heavy

    If you want a slow recomp then you eat at or slightly below TDEE

    If you want to bulk and cut you eat above

    Focus on your protein and fat macros as minimums

    Set protein at 0.64-0.82g P per lb bodyweight
    Fat at 0.35g f per lb bodyweight

    Your TDEE sounds relatively low for that level of activity tbh ...are you sure
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    What kind of resistance training it progressive and heavy

    If you want a slow recomp then you eat at or slightly below TDEE

    If you want to bulk and cut you eat above

    Focus on your protein and fat macros as minimums

    Set protein at 0.64-0.82g P per lb bodyweight
    Fat at 0.35g f per lb bodyweight

    Your TDEE sounds relatively low for that level of activity tbh ...are you sure

    When I calculate it online I figured since I was working that it didn't count as exercise, so I would put in that I'm lightly active or exercising 3-4xs a week.
  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    If you want to look athletic and lean you are probably best eating in a deficit, hitting your protein goals and following a weight lifting program. From what I've seen most of these "bikini body" guides and the sort are just generic movements using ridiculously light weights (which will ultimately do nothing) aimed at people who are scared to build muscle (which ultimately is what will make you look athletic at lower body fat percentages)

    You won't really build muscle in a deficit (changing your body is a really long process) so either eat at a slight surplus (set myfitnesspal to gain 0.25-0.5lb per week) to build muscle while following a weight lifting program or eat in a deficit (set myfitnesspal to lose 0.5-1lb per week) to lose fat while following a weight lifting program to preserve what muscle you already have.

    You will want to eat around 100-110g of protein a day to preserve/build muscle.
  • Abs_and_Kitties
    Abs_and_Kitties Posts: 21 Member
    Thank u!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    edited May 2015
    I am 5ft 2 and around 112-110lbs

    I work a job were I walk almost 8 miles in my 8 hour shift. 5×s a week. Like today my fitbit sait I tool 20,661 steps in one 8hour shift. Its the same every shift.

    I'm eating around 1656 calories a day (that's my tdee)

    Your Fitbit burn is your TDEE—way more accurate than any online calculator.

    Connect your accounts at

    Set your goal to maintenance (or gain .5 lb. per week):

    Enable negative calorie adjustments:

    Follow your MFP calorie goal, eating back your adjustments. Shift your focus from losing weight to increasing your lean body mass (aka recomp).
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    If you want to focus on your glutes a bit more (since you mentioned bikini body), check out Strong Curves. You could also check out beginner heavy lifting programs (SL 5x5, Starting Strength etc.)