Hey MFP peeps...*

Before anyone start saying "She's not overweight!!!" and etc... I can't fit into 60% of my old clothes and I certainly do have a lot of excess fat on my stomach. My bone structure is small and light weighted as well.*
I'm 19 years old, a freshmen in university and am looking for more friends to keep me motivated and advices with losing weight... My fitness journey has been a crazy one... It was less than a year ago when I was extremely obsessed in working out with proper weight liftings, resistance trainings,, eating clean, and hardcore with everything(so i pretty much know the stuffies about being lean). I was at the leanest I could get back then. Then university started and because I had to study abroad, I pretty much gone through a lot of tough times personally and I just stopped exercising and start eating junk. My friends always held parties and etc.. it's just so hard to say no when you want to enjoy your social life at the same time.
I've gain so much weight-10 kg, and even today, I am struggling to put it off. I could not get my motivation back anymore; I'm just lost and depress and regret with how I ruinned my body because of stress. I went through the cycles of eating clean for 2 weeks and then gave up and came back to eating clean and gave up and it just do not get me anywhere. I am not consistent with working out nor eating clean anymore. I'm not logging everyday as well. Yet this is exam time for me and I'm already finding it hard mentally to workout and take time to cook clean meals at times like this. I'm both stressed about exams and maintaining a healthy lifestyle as well :( . Looking for motivating friend s xx

Ps. I know I probably get a lot of "NO EXCUSES" and stuff... but really, I can't push myself up anymore...


  • 77natalie77
    77natalie77 Posts: 18 Member
    I would just focus on the exercise component as a way of alleviating stress, not losing weight. It sounds like you've had a complicated history with your weight and especially since you're in school, I don't think losing weight should be your number one priority. When you aren't with friends, eat healthily, with the understanding that 10 to 15 percent of your diet can come from treat foods when you're out shopping or partying or whatever. Some simple meal ideas: fried eggs with hemp seed over a spinach salad, tuna avacado wraps, yogurt and some fruit, protein bars, etc. You shouldn't need more than ten minutes to put these things together. You physically can't be as lean as you were in the past at this point in your life because you have too much going on. Don't beat yourself up for not being perfect!
  • MaryKaye53
    MaryKaye53 Posts: 16 Member
    I'd be happy to talk with you if you want to send me a friend invite. Good at listening and only making suggestions if you ask for them. Have quite a few years of experience in what you're currently going through. Hope you find what will help you. Take care of yourself.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Especially since you struggle with eating clean, why don't you just eat at a small deficit instead, without imposing the additional requirement of clean eating? And I do agree to take the stress off yourself, maybe focus on the exams (mentally especially) for the time being. You have to get around campus somehow - walking biking whatever, that's all exercise you could focus on while you ease back into it. Don't stress yourself out comparing where you are now to where you were before. It seems you're trying to do too much too soon, because you know you've been able to do it before. I say pace yourself, do one or two things at a time, give it time and see where you end up!
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    Burn out. Losing weight just to lose is boring. Make fitness goals, not centered around food obsession.

    Fitness goals, rather than food and calorie intake is the way to stay motivated.