HI am new to group

I like the idea of keeping kitchen closed after 7, unfortunately my minds thinks it gets hungry later to I end up eating "just little something". I am 198 and would like to be at least 170 by October. Then my next goal is 140. I haver just started biking to work (13 miles) I am hoping I keep it up. I love to walk and bike but I hate to do it alone & my husband won't exercise with me. He himself is 245 and tells me he want to lose weight. We both attended college on athletic scholarships (My soccer. His baseball). We trained differently so he says he doesn't need to exercisesend the way I do. HELP. I need someone


  • JessiLynnFit
    JessiLynnFit Posts: 41 Member
    Read "Brain Over Binge" to help with the after 7pm eating.