Need to lose 115 pounds! Anyone at that level want to be on a support team?

GwenieW Posts: 6 Member
edited May 2015 in Getting Started
A friend recommended this site to me, and I hate tracking foods eaten, but I know I'll overeat if I don't, and this turned out to be pretty easy. I don't do it from my phone, as I'm at my desk all the time, but the food database is extensive which makes things easy. I need to lose 100 pounds.


  • reeves45
    reeves45 Posts: 55 Member
    I would love to. I have lost 30 pounds 60 more to go. Would be good to do it with friends.
  • reeves45
    reeves45 Posts: 55 Member
    Me again, not sure how we stay in touch. Do we just stay on this thread?
  • tlmeyn
    tlmeyn Posts: 369 Member
    This is a nice bunch of people, all in the same boat :)
    Welcome. Fell free to add me. I had 100 to lose, have 70 more to go!
  • silentkisses05
    silentkisses05 Posts: 2 Member
    REEVES45, if you click on her name you should be able to add her as a friend. I've lost 12lbs total - I have about 47lbs to go to get to where I really want to be
  • Shanna_Elaine
    Shanna_Elaine Posts: 5 Member
    I need to lose about 130. Please add me!
  • truelight_photo_craig
    truelight_photo_craig Posts: 347 Member
    I've lost 100 pounds, working on the last 25 or so. I'd be happy to share what's worked for me. Anyone can add me if they want. I log every day and my food diary is open...
  • jessica__117
    jessica__117 Posts: 1 Member
    I have about another 80 to go have lost about 25 so far.
  • MoonCatKDT
    MoonCatKDT Posts: 33 Member
    I've started with 100 to lose and love having friends to motivate each other! I have lost about 27lbs so far.
  • JulieEllul
    JulieEllul Posts: 50 Member
    GwenieW wrote: »
    A friend recommended this site to me, and I hate tracking foods eaten, but I know I'll overeat if I don't, and this turned out to be pretty easy. I don't do it from my phone, as I'm at my desk all the time, but the food database is extensive which makes things easy. I need to lose 100 pounds.

    I'm looking to lose at least 110...add me if you'd like. This app has been so helpful!!!!
  • sunnyphia
    sunnyphia Posts: 14 Member
    I am new here again. Need to lose 120 I could use all the friends and encouragement I need accountability!! Thanks
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    I'm currently sitting at 118lbs lost - happy to help anyway that I can!
  • hotteawhoney
    hotteawhoney Posts: 10 Member
    looking to lose 112 lbs :) anyone can add me!
  • Motivated_Liz
    Motivated_Liz Posts: 909 Member
    I have 102 pounds to lose. You can add me. We'll support each other. ;-)
  • teninten
    teninten Posts: 37 Member
    Me too...130 pounds...
  • bethlenihan
    bethlenihan Posts: 1 Member
    I lost 100 lbs before getting pregnant with my daughter and then I gained 70 lbs in my pregnancy and there after. I am just starting to get back on it. I have 70 lbs to lose and it's so daunting especially since I am still nursing. I feel like my body just doesn't want to give up this weight. I have tried several times this last year with no avail. I am hoping this will help keep me on track. Good for you for taking control of your help. I need encouragement too.
  • slimjame
    slimjame Posts: 128 Member
    Hi there! I have to lose about 125 to get to my goal weight, but I know that I will feel a million times better once I lose the next 50 pounds. I had originally lost almost 100 pounds and then foolishly gained most of it back. I'm ready to do it again, but this time it's staying off ;). Feel free to add me!
  • kourt_phx
    kourt_phx Posts: 25 Member
    Hi! I have about 120 to lose, feel free to add me.
  • cadjin
    cadjin Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, I am in the same boat, originally lost a heap of weight then had a breakdown, was put on antidepressants and joy of joys it all came back, I quit the antidepressants and so far am finding it real hard losing anything but still determined to get back to the weight I was before my breakdown as none of my clothes fit & I refuse to buy new 'fat' clothes! Upped the diet & exercise regime in the hope of success and rejoined this site to keep me accountable! Anyone can add me. Good luck to all xx
  • lajacobs55
    lajacobs55 Posts: 2 Member
    Just getting started on a 130 pound weight-loss, get healthy journey! I would love to have any help I can get! Please add me!
  • MSam1205
    MSam1205 Posts: 439 Member
    just sent you a friend request!