back on the wagon

Hi everyone!!!
Thought I'd say hello.
Hope everyone is doing well in their goals and dreams.
Hoping to share and maybe even swap some recipes and motivation.
Been off the well being wagon since a big accident and determined to get back to where I was.
Looking forward to chatting etc :-)


  • Kerry211168
    Kerry211168 Posts: 18 Member
    Sorry to hear about your accident, good luck on getting back on the wagon! From another tattooed Mum!
  • Follow_me
    Follow_me Posts: 6,120 Member
    Hi. :-)

    Welcome to the wagon!
  • Terrappyn1
    Terrappyn1 Posts: 51 Member
    Welcome Back! Hope you are back in action after your accident!
  • tmej73
    tmej73 Posts: 3 Member
    Welcome back! I had an accident in December and surgery due to it in the beginning May. I am struggling to walk for more than 10 or 15 minutes at a time. This is very frustrating for me and during my time of injury and surgery re-coup I have found myself eating a lot of crap. Best of luck to you, I hope you get back to where you want to be!
  • tattooedmummabear
    tattooedmummabear Posts: 2 Member
    Thanx everyone.
    It's exciting.
    I'm sorry to hear some of you too have had injuries etc. I see it.... It's time to reclaim our lives. Our body is our temple...we only have one...we must take care of it. I'm always here for support etc for all. I'm starting the walking challenge on this Monday 1st June if anyone would like to do it with me.
    Good luck to you all. Our dreams are achievable Xx <3