New to Atkins diet



  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Athijade wrote: »
    I did South Beach at one point which is also a carb restricted diet. Did I lose weight? Yep. But it had nothing at all to do with the carbs. Instead of eating a bunch of rice with chicken and a vegetable I was eating some chicken with a bunch more vegetables. This naturally reduced my overall calorie intake and THAT is why I lost weight. It was 100% because I was eating less calories as the vegetables I was eating was no where near as calorie dense as a serving of rice or pasta. Period.

    That said, I didn't stick to it and as soon as I went off, I gained the weight back. Why didn't I stick with it? Because the number one way for ME to fail is to tell myself I could no longer have something. Then all I do is crave and wish I could have it. Not the way I want to live my life!

    Same here. Exactly.

  • tlmeyn
    tlmeyn Posts: 369 Member
    Everyone is different. I am a person who stopped smoking cold turkey after 15 years, but is not so good at moderation. Easier to tell myself that I can't eat that ice cream (although I CAN make avocado Ice cream with stevia, which is delicious btw) than to say I can have 2 licks of ice cream. I can't have two licks of ice cream :blush: 2 licks would mean two cones of ice cream! So whoever wants to call me undisciplined or lazy, go ahead. I have to do what works for me.

    I have had a dessert once in the last 80 days, and that is how I plan to live my life. Mostly meats and veggies and some (maybe too much) dairy. The OCCASIONAL potato. I was around 20 net carbs, but feel better around 30-40. I ALSO count calories. But I feel more satisfied on low carb than low fat. I am an emotional eater, so I like the feeling of satiety.

    Combine that with a family history of type 2 diabetes. My mother takes insulin. She only needs to take it because she can't give up potatoes and bread. So she takes one medication to lower the blood sugar, then another because it gets too low.. I chose low carb to hopefully will avoid getting T2D.

    The point is try what you want to. If it feels good and you are healthy on it, stick to it, if not try something else. Don't let anyone bully you or convince you that their way is best, whether LC or CICO.
  • GwenFan7
    GwenFan7 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm sad that you're put off by changing over to a Low Carb High Fat diet when all of the legitimate, unbiased research proves that it's the one way of eating that can reverse/change your health from a pre-diabetic/type 2 diabetic state.

    Fats are not what make you fat. The Insulin reactions from sugar/glucose/fructose etc (which is in LOADS in an American diet) make you store fat, feel hungry, get sick.

    Look up Dr. Sarah Hallberg LCHF on YouTube for some
    Very easy to understand videos on her clinic and practice and patients she is treating and has been treating with a Low Carb High Fat diet.

    However you eat needs to be a lifestyle change or you'll fall off the wagon and gain weight back. But understandin the science and how your body works will wake u up and make you feel informed and in control of your new adventure.

    (And I meant no offense)

    Cheers & good luck!
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    xrachypx wrote: »
    Thank you all so much for your input on this. I am going to continue with the atkins plan but not as low carb as 20g a day, more like 40g. Thats still a dramatic drop for me.
    Today has been my first day and ive enjoyed the foods ive ate and my tummy is nice & full.
    Thanks again :)

    There ya go B)

    The key is to pay attention to how you feel and change it up accordingly. Base your decisions on that. Your body is the end game, not what any of us says, any guru, chart, book, theory, or calculator says. This applies to what you eat, when you eat, when you don't eat, the amounts you eat, all of it.

    That goes for fat loss over time, muscle building, all of it. Your body is the end game and if you listen it will give you the true answer far better than any of us. We are all different. Contrary to what one user wrote here - that it didn't work because we didn't read the book or follow it correctly - it just plain does not work for all of us even when we followed it correctly.

    Even if you feel some uncomfortableness from the calorie deficit (it is temporary corrective action to fix a health problem after all - like taking medicine), if you sleep well, feel well, are strong in your workouts, recover well, have a general feeling of well being, and have enough energy to accomplish all of your responsibilities --- those are the indicators that you are doing okay.

    Best of luck.


    Yes this exactly! Listen to your body. My body performs better when I eat less carbs and no wheat, doesn't mean it's the best for everyone. Can I eat more carbs and lots of wheat? Sure, but I don't feel as good. Try the 40g for a few weeks, see how you feel, then reevaluate as necessary.
  • jacklfc88
    jacklfc88 Posts: 247 Member
    xrachypx wrote: »
    How are you finding it? Have you had success with weight loss as yet?

    I've seen weight loss that I couldn't acheive with a high carb and low fat eating plan. Right now I'm in a stall, but that's purely on me, so it's not the eating plan that is to blame.

    Switch it round. Healthy fats! :)

    OP - Fad dieting does not work, don't do it. Remember you want it to become a lifestyle. There is absolutely no substitute for a healthy, sustainable diet and exercise plan. You want a kickstart? Nothing better than getting a plan together and killing it the first week and getting the training bug! :)

  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Go to the Low Carb forum and read all the data and sustained success there! You will get valuable help not people spouting at you!
  • xrachypx
    xrachypx Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you all so much for sharing your experiences, suggestions etc. I am on day 2 of low carb, and I must admit I feel great! Ive not gone hungry at all. I have noticed my calories and fat have been a bit too high though, so tomorrow I need to focus on sticking within my target for them. Otherwise, I'm excited that its something I will be able to stick to :)
  • tishball
    tishball Posts: 155 Member
    I am on day two also, and like you I am doing ok, feeling great and not missing anything.
  • plumwd
    plumwd Posts: 161 Member
    People fail with low carb when they get to their goal weight and go back to eating the way they were before. This is true of almost any "diet". If you're going to change the way you eat, it has to be a permanent solution and become a lifestyle. Incorporate exercise and you're gold :smiley:

    Personally I love low carb. My energy is way more even, I smell and taste things better. Love it.
  • jacklfc88
    jacklfc88 Posts: 247 Member
    correct @plumwd lifestyle change all the way!
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Oh yes, been there and done that. It was part of my 15 years of yo-yo diets. Never again. Although I have some low carb meals now, and cherry pick from all those fat diets for a meal or a day, I'll never deprive myself like that again. Ever. We all learn from our mistakes and I'm thankful for those painful years of Atkins for those valuable lessons.

    Why do you believe that just because you did it wrong, it can't work for anyone else?
  • mtczajka
    mtczajka Posts: 6 Member
    I don't follow the Atkins diet completely, but I use the bars to both avoid eating candy bars and also to help me get enough protein. I eat almost no meat, don't like beans. I love nuts but they come with a lot of fat too. So it helps me get enough protein.
  • bbontheb
    bbontheb Posts: 718 Member
    xrachypx wrote: »
    Oh, that doesn't sound positive then. Im only doing this for two weeks to give my body a kick start.

    I didn't mean to squash your motivation. It can be a great strategy in the short term.

    For the most part you don't need to do any "kick start". All you need is a calorie deficit. Really and truly. The depriving is so painful and even one week or 3 days of that can set you on a carb binge.

    I really recommend just following a calorie budget on here, eating what you like, focus on proteins and veggies, add a serving of carbs and a tablespoon of healthy fat and it all falls into place. It's sustainable and gives you life long skills that way. AND you'll just plain feel better!!!!!

    Yes. This.