TurboJam/ChaleanExtreme/TurboFire question

CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey all,

Just looking for some feedback from those of you who have done these videos. I'd like to get a new workout routine going for at home use on days we can't get to the gym or out for a ride, but I've got to keep it to low impact for my fiance who has messed up knees.

I've read some discussions about Chalean Extreme and TurboFire. I saw where someone said Chalean Extreme is pretty low impact. I spoke with a representative of beachbody online and they told me these are both high impact routines. He (lol, his name was George Michael...think it was THE George Michael? lol) told me to go for Turbo Jam instead, as it is a low impact routine.

Anyone out there done Turbo Jam and one or both of the other two mentioned above? Could you provide some feedback as to how low impact any of these programs are?



  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    ps...I just looked at Insanity, and ya, it looks insane. Good grief!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I do turbojam, chalean extreme and turbo fire. love them all. CEx is weight lifting unless you do the intervals. Turbojam is kickboxing aeorbics, love it!!! has given me very lean hips and legs. Turbofire is very high impact.
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    The cool thing about Turbo Jam is you can go as low or high impact as you want. It's pretty flexible. You don't HAVE to jump in Turbo Fire, but it's a much higher intensity than Turbo Jam.
    I haven't tried Chalene Extreme, so I don't really know about that one.
  • cinico
    cinico Posts: 294 Member
    hi i am currently doing turbofire and Insanity! I have been told that turbofire is turbojam on steriods and I don't know nothing much about chalene extreme! I really do enjoy Turbofire!!
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    I would agree that turbo fire is high impact and yes you can make it low impact but it is still a lot of turning back and forth hard to do on carpet without being hard on the knees. So not the best for this with knee or feet issues
  • TurboFire is as extreme as you make it. You can modify or you can go all out. I go in between. I go as hard as I can, but if I don't feel my knees are up to jumps and air jacks then I modify it. They are all great programs! Good luck!
  • danipals
    danipals Posts: 143 Member
    I have Chalean Extreme and love that I can get in a good strength workout at home. I love that the exercises combine an upper and lower body move at the same time so that you get in a full body workout in a quicker time. It definitely makes me feel stronger and I recommend them to everyone! My mom even loved the so much that she bought a set off of ebay once she got home.

    I also have TurboJam from a couple of years ago but don't do it very much. For some crazy reason my back often hurts after doing those programs! I do kickboxing at the gym and have no problem but some of her moves on that dvd she wants you to tilt your hips in a way that make my back hurt...go figure.

    I just ordered TurboFire yesterday and can't wait to get it. I know it will be harder to get to the gym this summer with all three kids home and plan to do Extreme 3x/week and TurboFire 3-4x/week to balance it out.

    Good luck,

  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    Well, he's new (and reluctant) to workout vids, LOL I tried to get him to do 30 Day Shred with me and he spent more time boo hooing than actually working out. I'd like to find something that is challenging for both of us, but not so challenging that he balks at it and refuses to do it. I'm looking for intense and FUN.

    As far as stamina goes, we are endurance cyclists. We are just off our game and carrying a bunch of extra weight than we are used to. I'm throwing that out there to kind of paint the picture that we have endurance, so I'm not worried as much about the intensity of the program as I am about the damage/discomfort he will experience in the knee region. He was born with messed up legs, had to have surgery to correct it when he was a kid, leg braces, the whole nine. I guess that's why it's so nice we love to ride bikes so much, but we're slimming down for the wedding. I can't have these no-time-to-ride-or-hit-the-gym days keeping us from reaching our weight loss goals!!
  • sundance2032
    sundance2032 Posts: 376 Member
    I think you should go for the Chalean Extreme. I have both CEx and Turbo Jam. For your man the CEx would be better, you do 3 days of weights where there is no jumping around and then 2 days of a cardio/ stretch and the other is cardio/abs. I like it bc both sexes can do it. The turbo jam is all cardio, even the turbo sculpt is cardio based. If he did not like 30DS he won't like Turbo Jam...

    Good luck
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    thanks sundance. i read your reply right after watching all the videos for each of the programs, then hitting youtube to see how people have done. chalean looks fun!

    is there any plyo work in these vids?
  • I agree. ChaLEAN Extreme sounds like the right program for you. In two of the workouts (Burn Intervals and Burn It Off) there are some plyometrics, but there is also a low impact option and someone who is modeling that for you. TurboJam is dancy and TurboFire is CRAZY! (fun, but crazy) ChaLEAN Extreme focuses a lot on toning and weight training. But you Do need weights.
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    thanks, guys. sounds like chalean is the way to go. we've already got some weights, but i might pick up a second set for me :) his go up to 50# per side, i've only got the 3/5/8# girly weights. doh!

    eeee!! im giddy. i cant wait to order and get started. woohoo!
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I do TurboFire, and it is definitely high impact. However, there is a girl that models all the moves for those that want to do it low impact...so it's do-able. I tend to copy her when my knee is bothering me.
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    Yep, my husband and I do ChaLEAN Extreme together... we LOVE it! We've just finished our first 90 days--we're hooked!
  • AmandaR910
    AmandaR910 Posts: 991
    I LOVE ChaLEAN Extreme. I'm making my husband do it with me lol.
  • carolynbap
    carolynbap Posts: 1
    I have done Chalean Extreme for 2 of the 3 months. You get bulky at first, then slim down a bit. I liked the quick workouts, but honestly I started getting back issues from all the back workouts. Plus I didn't like how my arms were bulking. So I went back to my p90x strength DVDs which I love.

    I also tried Turbo Jam. Just the 20 min and Cardio Party DVD's. Both are great workouts. I sweat buckets on the Cardio Party. But again, after her workouts my back is sore/tight. It's from holding it in that crunch position and then doing kicks. I guess my body doesn't like those workouts.
  • mariacolumbus
    mariacolumbus Posts: 227 Member
    I have done Chalene Extreme (CE), Insanity & Turbo Fire. After doing CE, Turbo JAM was not enough challenge for me - but I LOVE Turbo FIRE. CE has strength 3 days and cardo 2 days. My husband has really bad knees...had surgery and they are still bad....he really likes CE because it is lower impact...you can make it higher, but generally it is lower than Turbo Fire. A guy might like CE because it isn't as "dancey" either. He is a tri-athalete so he is running, swimming, biking alot...he likes the weight training you get with CE.
    Overall...I think there is a place for CE and Turbo Fire...its nice to have a change after 3 or 4 months of each of them.

    Insanity it tough, but you really feel like you've accomplished something when you finish!! I say it is on the same level as Turbo Fire.

    Also, you have a 90 day money back guarentee with Turbo FIre and Chalene Extreme...nothing to lose! Like I said I tried Turbo Jam and it wasn't enough challenge for me so I sent it back...no problems!
    hope this helps :)
  • Insanity it tough, but you really feel like you've accomplished something when you finish!! I say it is on the same level as Turbo Fire.

    I was doing insanity and it was HARD I felt worked afterward, I didn't feel that way with Turbo Fire maybe I didn't put enough effort in it as I was trying to figure out the moves. But was kinda disappointed. Oh and husband saw it and said no way would he do it, to girly and to much dance.
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