hello....I started 5 days ago

yes i started this 5 days ago...I did well the first few days...Then I pulled a mussel in my back...oh ya pain.....Now I cant exersise and to me that put a hault at the pounds dropping..but Im still walking slowly and carefully and tryint to watch my carbs.....I really wish I knew of what to eat better i am a dummy at carbs and stuff...any good recipes or suggestions let me know...Thanks have a great day!!!:blushing:


  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    You can still lose weight, even when not exerting workout energy. I lost the first 10 pounds simply by watching calorie intake.

    Try for carbs that are not processed (aka simple) and look for foods that are high in fiber (they help you feel fuller longer) but don't forget your proteins and fats... need a little of everything to make this work ;)

    I hope your back feels better soon... sending healing energies your direction ;)
  • hairspray74
    hairspray74 Posts: 93
    you or anyone can add me!

    you'll love it here, mfp is about food and friends! chosing better food choices and counting calories, and if you make a bad choice put it down, be honest with your diary, none of us have gavels and we don't judge, tomorrow after all is a new day! and add lots of friends because they help inspire, motivate, and support you! you or anyone can add me! I have lost 36 so far and still have about 40 to go! be sure to stretch before and after exercising!
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    Wecome! I think we joined on the same day

    I'm starting MDA Primal Fitness on the lowest level. I wonder whether you might want to look into that?

    I hope you heal well and soon :-)
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
  • balaguer
    balaguer Posts: 1
    I just started on Saturday, and need to keep it up since my wedding is in about 4 months!!! I am typically pretty good with what I am eating, but it is the working out that I lose interest in very fast. Hopefully using MyFitnessPal will help me keep on track! Any suggestions from anyone regarding ways to stay motivated and on task?!?
  • Ballybabe1
    Ballybabe1 Posts: 57
    Best of luck with the wedding planning belaguer. I only joined a two weeks ago so still getting to know about all the calories counting etc and I am actually quite shocked at how much there is in things I thought were low. So 123dee we can all help each other, its lovely to have the support here. Also it is def. worthwhile to note everything you eat down, I was very surprised how much I snacked and picked at things, it has opened my eyes big time. Feel free to add me as a friend and we will all go down together ! LOL.