Anyone doing Jason Vale's Super juice me or other juice plans? Looking for juicing friends on here

Hiya, I am starting Jason Vale's 28 day Super juice me at the end of the month and would like to make new juicing friends on here. Doesn't matter if you are not following a plan but like to juice, so we can swap tips, recipes and ideas. I'm in Essex, England, please add me as a friend on here :-)

BTW.....really NOT interested in any negative rubbish about juicing, so if it isn't your thing, fine but don't start preaching here coz nobody is listening! (Soooooo much negativity on some threads on MFP!)


  • worldtravelista
    worldtravelista Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Carebears, I just started juicing yesterday -- so thanks for posting the thread. Right now I'm trying to incorporate more veggies than fruits, as I'm trying to consume less sugar as well.
  • ThinVee
    ThinVee Posts: 77 Member
    Hey! I'm on Day 3 of a juice cleanse and would love to have new friends, recipes and support! I agree with Carebears, keep the Negative-Nellies away!
  • bryjsal
    bryjsal Posts: 6 Member
    I tried to start juicing today but ate a sandwich when I got home.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I won't say anything negative about juicing "coz nobody is listening" so instead I will leave this little tidbit here.

    99% of the people on MFP who have been successful in losing weight and keeping the weight off for extended periods of time did so without any fad diet.

    That should tell you something.
  • carebears1973
    carebears1973 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that you don't understand that eating a healthy diet and incorporating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables into your diet is actually a good thing. As said before, those with no experience of juicing and a clear lack of understanding nutrition can go and preach elsewhere!! There's always one........
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    edited August 2015
    carebears wrote:
    I'm sorry to hear that you don't understand that eating a healthy diet and incorporating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables into your diet is actually a good thing
    Snark will get you nowhere, and is actually against the rules here.

    Yes, eating a healthy diet (note the _eating_ part of that) is a good thing.
    Having more unprocessed foods is also a good thing.
    Having fruits & veggies is good not only for the nutrients, but also for the fiber... which slows the absorption of
    sugar and makes you feel fuller longer. Making juice out of food removes the fiber.
    Or if you're just pulverizing it, so you do eat the skin & fiber, why bother making it liquid???
    It takes less electricity (is less expensive) and less water (less cleanup) to simply EAT your food.
    One thing it will take more of is time, so you'll take in fewer calories.

    As said before, those with no experience of juicing and a clear lack of understanding nutrition can go and preach elsewhere!! There's always one.
    Actually, there are a lot of people here who understand that drinking a lot of juice is not a healthy way to lose
    weight, and if you go over your necessary calories you _won't_ lose weight.
    Eating calories tells your body it's full. Drinking calories does not.
    The effect of fruit in different forms on energy intake and satiety at a meal
    "whole apple increased satiety more than applesauce or apple juice... results suggest that solid fruit affects satiety
    more than pureed fruit or juice, and that eating fruit at the start of a meal can reduce energy intake."
    The abstract has a link to the full article, for free.
    The role of dietary fiber in satiety, glucose, and insulin: studies with fruit and fruit juice
    "Satiety, assessed by two subjective scoring systems, was greater after whole fruit than after juice and the return of
    appetite was delayed. With oranges, as previously reported with apples, there was a significantly smaller insulin
    response to fruit than to juice and less postabsorptive fall in plasma glucose."
    Effects of food form on appetite and energy intake in lean and obese young adults
    "total daily energy intake was significantly higher ... on days the beverage forms of the high-carbohydrate, -fat and
    -protein foods were ingested... This was due more to a weak effect on satiety"
    (IOW, solid foods are more satisfying, even if the liquid form has the same # of calories.)

    And since you posted something in a public forum, you don't get to control who comments on it, or what they say.
    If someone breaks the rules you can report them, but that's about it. (And if you think that disagreeing with you is
    a rule violation, go ahead & try flagging those of us who are being sensible. Making false reports is a good way to
    get suspended, then banned.)

    Since you're so sure you're right, why are you getting defensive when people tell you you're wrong?
    Surely your superior education about nutrition (which is what, exactly? you didn't mention that yet) supports your
    theories, and you can cite to reputable sources to back your opinions and convince the rest of us we're wrong.
    (Just like I posted citations above to studies which show that your idea of drinking juice is unlikely to result in being
    satiated and therefore you'll be eating more, or be miserable.)

    Here's a good place to start searching for reliable peer-reviewed research about health topics:
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    bryjsal wrote: »
    I tried to start juicing today but ate a sandwich when I got home.


    Really someone flagged this?

    This was the best post on this thread so far lmao
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    edited August 2015
  • KimmyKicksAss
    KimmyKicksAss Posts: 60 Member
    edited August 2015
    I do green smoothie but I guess it doesn't qualify as juicing. I need that fiber to fill me up.

    If you're looking for ideas here's my typical morning Green smoothie

    • *10 oz water
      *1 tablespoon chia seeds
      *1 tablespoon flax seed
      *1 teaspoon spirulina
      *1 serving whey protein isolate
      *1 small orange
      *1 handful of whatever fruit is in season (grapes for me)
      *10 leaves of Kale, Russian Kale, Lacinato(?) Kale, rainbow chards, Spinach, etc. You get the idea
      *1 lime
      *1 knob ginger, whatever else I can find at this point
      *Ice to top it off

    BAM! Breakfast smoothie for the road =)
  • beautychicks
    beautychicks Posts: 21 Member
    My juice this morning was a Jason vale one:
    Broccoli all put through the juicer then add
    Avocado and ice in the blender

    Now that's a breakfast
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Hiya, I am starting Jason Vale's 28 day Super juice me at the end of the month and would like to make new juicing friends on here. Doesn't matter if you are not following a plan but like to juice, so we can swap tips, recipes and ideas. I'm in Essex, England, please add me as a friend on here :-)

    BTW.....really NOT interested in any negative rubbish about juicing, so if it isn't your thing, fine but don't start preaching here coz nobody is listening! (Soooooo much negativity on some threads on MFP!)

    So, it's been about 4 1/2 months. I wonder if the OP reached their goals.

  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hiya, I am starting Jason Vale's 28 day Super juice me at the end of the month and would like to make new juicing friends on here. Doesn't matter if you are not following a plan but like to juice, so we can swap tips, recipes and ideas. I'm in Essex, England, please add me as a friend on here :-)

    BTW.....really NOT interested in any negative rubbish about juicing, so if it isn't your thing, fine but don't start preaching here coz nobody is listening! (Soooooo much negativity on some threads on MFP!)

    So, it's been about 4 1/2 months. I wonder if the OP reached their goals.
    Obviously. That's why she didn't need to come back.


    Juice plans tried: 0.