Lexapro (Escitalopram) and binge eating

I have been taking 10 mg Escitalopram (generic) once daily for anxiety since August. While the medication has worked tremendously for my anxiety, it seems as though I keep binge eating and can't help myself. I've had periods of time in the past where I would overeat as a sort of "comfort" (before medication), but never has it been this bad.

I am especially frustrated because, over the past few years, I have lost as much as 70 lbs (35 of it in the last year), but it is creeping back on quickly. I have already gained 15 lbs back. I binge on junk like Chicago Mix, Cookie Butter, brownies, cheese sticks, pizza, etc - all the sweet and salty stuff. I've tried to just not buy the stuff (out of sight, out of mind) but then I will still find a way to make something with whatever I have in the house, even if it means whipping up homemade chocolate frosting and just eating it. Ugh, I'm embarrassed and just disgusted with myself for even typing that... I keep lots of healthy food in the house (fresh fruits, veggies, etc.) My husband, kids, and I are all vegetarian. My husband and I eat a mostly vegan diet, actually, but when I go on my binges, the dairy makes its way back into my diet, too. But even with all the healthy food around, it's like I have blinders on and just crave the junk!
Anyway, has anyone else experienced anything similar? It's like a switch just flips in my brain and I no longer care. Even as I notice my new clothes no longer fitting, have horrible heartburn from overeating/indigestion, and see the scale keep going up up up, I cave. Like an addiction.

I have mentioned it to my nurse practitioner, and we will be doing a follow-up soon to see if I need to switch meds. The problem is, even when my pharmacy switched from one generic to another, it affected my sleep and anxiety for a few days until I adjusted. I also take half a pill of 0.5 mg Lorazepam as needed (if I'm super anxious or overwhelmed), but that's usually only once or twice a week, and I don't like to rely on it.

Has anyone else dealt with this and have any coping strategies? Thoughts? I exercise daily. I used to use MFP religiously, especially during my 1 year weight loss, but it's like now I just can't stick with it. I start logging early in the day, and when I hit a binge, I'm out. I will literally hear the voice in my head saying, "Stop! Don't do it! Don't ruin your day!" and before I know it, I've got a spoon and a jar of Cookie Butter. I've started logging for today, eating well, and have already worked out...yet I'm already daydreaming about ordering a large pizza tonight and eating half of it...ugh! Help! :/


  • Lomalley23
    Lomalley23 Posts: 1 Member
    When I started lex I ate CONSTANTLY, I could not get enough. I gained so much weight, and when I tried to lose, nothing budged. Weening myself off currently. Best of luck to you!
  • peterjens
    peterjens Posts: 235 Member
    I didn't binge on Lex but it had other side effects on me. Doctor put me on bupropion (Wellbutrin) and this is working for anxiety/depression. See your doctor and also consider seeing a therapist, too.
  • InCHarmsWay
    InCHarmsWay Posts: 103 Member
    I definitely did gain weight when I first went on it, but I haven't had any issues with binge eating (I mean, any more than I had before I went on it... ). Anxiety and depression meds affect people VERY differently, so if you feel there is a connection between your binge eating and the meds I would talk to your doctor even if others haven't had a similar side-effect on here. It might be as easy as trying a new medication instead.