
keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
I knew it was going to happen...a plateau....but it had to happen now, as I am right at a big milestone for myself. I joined MFP on January 11, 2011 and have lost 53 pounds so far. I am happy with how far I've come and I'm about half way there. Now, this plateau is a hurdle I need to get past. Anyone out there experience one? How long did it take to bust past it? I am doing everything right. I am eating correctly, I go to the gym 5 days a week, drink tons of water, take my vitamins...everything right. I need some insight, help and encouragement.


  • codexavellum
    codexavellum Posts: 112
    People have said by upping their calories by a little bit they were able to break their plateaus.
  • Wentra
    Wentra Posts: 14 Member
    If you lost 53 pounds before you plauteaued, than you are doing really well! Maybe changing or mixing up your workout routine a little bit would help. Try walking or jogging a couple days a week instead of the gym. You could also try a yoga or workout class a few days a week. I have heard great things about Zumba burning up the calories.
  • rorosaw
    rorosaw Posts: 360 Member
    I hit a plateau myself. I started the weight loss journey January 19th and have lost 41 pounds so far. In the past couple of weeks, I've plateaued. I started zigzagging my calories and the weight is starting to come off again.
  • Wentra
    Wentra Posts: 14 Member

    Please tell me what youmean by zigzagging calories.
  • purpl3sox
    purpl3sox Posts: 38
    Two things that will jump start your weight loss again are calorie staggering, and changing up your workouts. If you are not doing work with weights, add weights! Weight lifting is key for fat burning. Cardio is great but weight lifting ensures that the weight you are losing is fat and not muscle.
  • GinaSmash
    GinaSmash Posts: 37 Member
    I hit a plateau myself. I started the weight loss journey January 19th and have lost 41 pounds so far. In the past couple of weeks, I've plateaued. I started zigzagging my calories and the weight is starting to come off again.

    what's zigzagging?
  • donbet69
    donbet69 Posts: 133
    I have been at it for only 6 weeks and have seen 2 plateaus that last 11 and 7 days. I hate when they occur, but I soon get past them and continue on my journey.

    Do not be discouraged, you have not come 53 lbs down to quit now.
  • purpl3sox
    purpl3sox Posts: 38
    Zigzagging or calorie staggering is when you calculate your total calories for the week and then break it down so that you have some days when you are eating low calories (1000-1200) and some days you are eating high calories (1500-2000). That way your body doesn't figure out whats going on.
  • Wentra
    Wentra Posts: 14 Member
    Pretty sneaky! I think I will try it when the plateauing starts. :drinker:
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