Calling all gallbladder-less pals

lmxxox Posts: 56 Member
edited November 18 in Getting Started
I had my gallbladder removed back in July of 2013. I wouldn't wish the two months I went through before removal on my worst enemy.

But my question is, did anything change for you guys or do you notice any weird things happening since?

Since my (laparoscopic) surgery I've practically been lactose intolerant. I also feel the weirdest muscle flutter/spasms in my right shoulder/rib area. Sometimes I'll eat something and I feel some pain goin on in the GB area.

Just wonderjng if y'alls experiences are the same? I'm not worried, but I am curious!


  • tlmeyn
    tlmeyn Posts: 369 Member
    I am gall bladder-less for about 20 plus years now. You will feel some pains long after the surgery, and your body still makes bile, there is just nothing to filter it now., processing lactose isn't going to be as efficient as it was.

    Even though it was a laparoscopy, it's still surgery. Your body is still recovering. You might even pass more stones. I did about a year to 18 months after my surgery.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • North44
    North44 Posts: 359 Member
    I had mine removed a few years ago after 2 attacks in one evening. Luckily I didn't suffer through weeks/months of it like others do. I haven't noticed anything strange at all. I do feel sick after eating too much grease, but I always felt that way, so no, nothing new. My whole GI system feels better when I monitor my calorie intake.
  • Jennypoo76
    Jennypoo76 Posts: 10 Member
    I had mine removed 10 weeks after having my daughter. She is now almost five. I have flutters and such in my abdomen rather than my shoulders and ribs. What I've noticed is, I can't eat cheese or drink tea without having to go to the bathroom almost right away after eating. I also agree with the greasy foods. I don't eat as much fried meat as I used to, which is kind of hard when someone else does most of the cooking.

    I've gone back and forth on really what are my triggers for feeling bad after I eat. I'm hoping of going back to this app and tracking my food and my exercise will help me not only loose weight I need to but also the triggers.
  • slp51
    slp51 Posts: 201 Member
    Mine was removed via emergency surgery about four years ago. I really don't feel many after-effects, other than after eating greasy foods. Once in awhile I'll feel an upset stomach but if that's all I get, I'm OK with that.

    Gall Badderless People Unite! Feel free to add me.
  • sherrib30
    sherrib30 Posts: 2 Member
    I had mine removed 17 years ago when my child was 2. You will find your triggers and learn your body. Bile dumping is something Ive had to deal with since the surgery. My sister had hers out and can eat anything with no problems. its really an individual experience.
  • allyphoe
    allyphoe Posts: 618 Member
    I had mine out when my 12yo was 3 months old. Green beans are the only things that have weird GI effects for me; fat doesn't bother me at all. If I bend over funny, I'll still get a cramp where one of the incisions was, too.
  • lmxxox
    lmxxox Posts: 56 Member
    I forgot about the sore incisions lol. The only one that gives me trouble is the one near my chest. That sucker hurts every now and then.

    I also forgot about greasy food. Don't eat it too often but when I do.. Ugh. Killer aches. I also get gallbladder-esque pain when I sit upright too long. Very strange.

    My gallstones turned into gallbladder disease, then liver disease, then pancreatitis, which was like a gallstone attack x's 3. So glad it's gone lol.

    Thank you all for sharing this with me. :)<3
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