Latic Acid Build Up

Gillott232 Posts: 18 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
I had about 6 hours of Zumba training yesterday and I HURT SO BAD TODAY!! Anyone got any good (and preferably natural) remedies to help me out?

I feel so awful that I can't even pick up my kids. My poor 1 year old doesnt understand.



  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Eeeek, I've been there! Get some salts and have a nice hot bath - in the UK we have a brand called Radox, not sure if it's available abroad but you should be able to find something similar in the supermarket / pharmacy!
    Heat pads, extra protein, ibuprofen and LOTS of water will also help you! And always always always remember to stretch out before and especially after strenuous exercise!
  • korgscrew
    korgscrew Posts: 99 Member
    Sleep sleep sleep!

    I love that pain, shows that what im doing is working :-)
  • purpl3sox
    purpl3sox Posts: 38
    Drink water! Water is the best way to both reduce and prevent soreness.
  • Try and soak in a hot bath immediately after your workout. This will help prevent the lactic acid from building up. Also, snack on some bananas. Potassium has been shown to help with lactic acid as well.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Keep moving. Ditto for Hydration... it flushes your system.

    By getting blood pumping thru your system, you allow the lactic acid to be flushed out of the affected muscles.

    As a distance runner, when I go for a long run (i.e. yesterday was 15 miles). I try to follow it up with a Recovery run the next day (today I'll gently jog 3-4 miles). Generally it's much shorter and easier paced (think just about speed walking but below running)

    All of the other suggestions hold value, but best bang for your buck will include exercise as well.

    Good Luck!
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