Looking for a motivation and support buddy

I've gotten to a low point and just re-joined fitnesspal. I used to be in good shape, felt healthy, etc., but have fallen back on old, bad habits, particularly overeating/emotional eating. My starting goals are pretty small: start going to the gym regularly again, lose 7 pounds, stop overeating. Looking for buddy who also needs motivation/support for any or all of these things! Would love to have someone to check in regularly with.


  • micklemummy
    micklemummy Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I totally understand what you're saying. I'll be your buddy. I've also been slacking...over eating and eating the wrong food. Just changed jobs, working more hours. Also maintaining a house and looking after two young kids. I'm often too tired to do anything think for myself. I would also like to lose 7 pounds.
  • jbazyn14
    jbazyn14 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm there too. I also just started a new job and have a two year old that takes all of my free time for myself. I'd love to be a part of a support network for each other. I actually just started over today! Started tracking my food again, stepped on the scale for the first time in a while and walked two miles at lunch time. Have a lot to lose but looking to do it the right way this time and change my lifestyle for the long run.

  • cathawthorne
    cathawthorne Posts: 4 Member
    Glad to see there are some more people looking to start fresh! Are there any more folks out there looking for support in getting fit?
  • mscalfee
    mscalfee Posts: 27 Member
    I am in the same boat, as in I have just rejoined my fitness pal after feeling super upset on how bed I've let myself go. I would love to have a motivational buddy too. Everyone in my actual life flakes out in the first week :/
  • TeaCurls
    TeaCurls Posts: 32 Member
    I am looking to get back into the progam. So totally life changes gave me some excuses to let myself go but as of today no more. I would love some friends that are on my same path....