Anyone whose goal is to lose 50 - 60 lbs?

OrangeBliss Posts: 4 Member
edited May 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Please feel free to add me. I am UK based so it would be great to have some UK friends as well.

I have been on this journey before. .. got to nearly halfway then totally went back to old habits. So in the past two years I have put all the weight back on. And here I am back where I started plus a couple more pounds for good measure.

My intention to lose at least 28 lbs by beginning of August in time for my 50th birthday, then lose the rest by the end of this year.

I would like to friend anyone who needs to lose a similar amount this year so please feel free to add me.


  • littlestface
    littlestface Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I have just over 50lbs to shift!
    I'm the same as you, been here before, lost the weight and put it back on but determined to keep it off this time!
    Good luck :smiley:
  • pantherlady60
    pantherlady60 Posts: 1 Member
    I understand how you feel. But believe me you are on the right track. I am on a similar journey but I have alot more to lose but I look at it this way you have to start somewhere keep smiling
  • OrangeBliss
    OrangeBliss Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you. I am feeling very positive about losing this weight and keeping it off this time.
  • OrangeBliss
    OrangeBliss Posts: 4 Member
    Good luck to you both too :)
  • Peachiko87
    Peachiko87 Posts: 45 Member
    Well, I, in particular have quite a bit of weight to lose, this is basically day 4 for me, and it's like-- So far so good! Calculating what I EVENTUALLY want my goal weight to be, versus what I am now (Or was like a week ago!) I need to lose.... Uhh... 145lbs >x>;;; All I can say is to not give up!
  • OrangeBliss
    OrangeBliss Posts: 4 Member
    Good luck :)
  • callykhs
    callykhs Posts: 5 Member
    I'm definitely in the same boat.. I'd like to lose 50+ pounds someday soon. I'm just having such a hard time with motivation and encouragement so I just flip flop between what I weigh now and 10lbs less or more. Ugh.
  • AkaAngelaKay
    AkaAngelaKay Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I have way over 50 lbs to lose. In 2014 I was up to 438 lbs. Here is a tost to us all to lose weight