Why I'm bad at climbing and why I won't stop trying.

timelmo Posts: 2 Member
Hi I'm tim

I started climbing around two months ago and I love it

But I suck at it.

I'm not a big guy, I'm just not strong.

So my goal is to get stronger and lose the excess to make it easier and to improve my progression of what I enjoy.

Please kick my *kitten* for not furthering my path.

Thanks everything.

Tim out.


  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    climbing looks like fun...are you doing indoor or outdoor?

    I would like to try it as well but also fear the lack of upper body strength. I need to at least try one of these days!

    Keep at it, I would think continuing to try will help you get stronger
  • zeniatsui
    zeniatsui Posts: 1 Member
    I climb as well! Def keep at it. It's an great sport with an amazing community.
  • timelmo
    timelmo Posts: 2 Member
    I'm climbing indoors at the moment. Looking to set up a trip in the summer to go outdoor climbing.
  • weavingtheweb
    weavingtheweb Posts: 135 Member
    I climbed for the first time when I visited my daughter last year after she moved to Norway. I loved it. Took an indoor beginners course but really need to lose weight to be able to haul my butt up the more difficult routes which is one of the reasons I started MFP
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    Climbing is awesome.
    I forgot to ask my physical therapist if I can climb again (broken fib).

    It's so much fun.
    I did it to work on my fear of heights.
    I felt very accomplished getting to the top
  • Pie319
    Pie319 Posts: 129 Member
    Climb on!
    I just did my first multi-pitch sport climb two weeks ago. Exhilarating!
    Feel free to add me!