Is there anyone else over 300lbs?

callykhs Posts: 5 Member
This is a bit mortifying for me to be even posting this..and I'm horribly embarrassed about admitting this to several people I don't know but I want to know if there's anyone else out there who weighs in at over 300. Without the weight on my chest I would probably be about 280-290 but my breasts weigh so much I describe them as having a toddler strapped to my chest.

After skimming through a few threads on here today I haven't seen anyone mention they've gone over the 300 mark and it's making me feel like a whale and really discouraged with negative thoughts and all around awful. Am I alone here? Does anyone else have an overly large chest that adds unnecessary weight to their total body weight? :\

I'm currently trying to find any scrap of motivation to get to the gym 4 nights a week, at least 30mins of cardio and doing weights at least twice a week. I was bullied relentlessly as a teenager for my chest size in and around gym class in high school so it's pretty debilitating to even step into a gym and see someone glance my way these days. Most of the time I'm okay but there are days I don't even want to think about going to the gym. But I'm trying... boy am I trying.


  • Angelfire365
    Angelfire365 Posts: 803 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!

    I am what one would call "well endowed" in the chest department. I didn't hit 300 (I don't think, didn't weigh half my life), but I got as far as 280. The hardest part is actually getting to the gym. Once you're there, you're there, and you may as well do something! Even if you've only got enough energy to walk the treadmill for half hour, you're doing something. Spend some extra $$ (if you have it) on a really really good sports bra and it'll make a world of difference. I had to save up for three months to afford one that big, but was it ever worth it!!
  • callykhs
    callykhs Posts: 5 Member
    Being an N cup... I don't think I can afford it. I live paycheck to paycheck as it is. Thanks though.. once I'm there it's easier and having a buddy helps but she's at least half my size so I still feel horrific whenever I catch myself in the mirror compared to her or other people. But yeah, at least I'm doing something.
  • murvinivory
    murvinivory Posts: 1 Member
    Hey callykhs,
    Don't be discouraged. I weigh 396 and that's after losing some pounds. The best thing I can tell you is to find a few activities that you think are fun and focus on those for cardio. As for weight training, think of it for what it is, to get stronger. If you think of strength training as just a way to lose weight, you will not find enough motivation to do it. Just remember that everyday that you workout, the closer you are to a stronger, leaner, and healthier you.
  • truelight_photo_craig
    truelight_photo_craig Posts: 347 Member
    edited May 2015
    Used to weigh 305. I'm 198 now. And if I can lose 100+ pounds, so can you!
  • aprilorchid
    aprilorchid Posts: 4 Member
    I've been as high as 303 and was 315 when I started using mfp a few years ago. This time I started at 296 and have lost 13-20 pounds in my first 35 days. I already notice that my chest seems smaller, and I am smaller chested to begin with for my weight.
  • melissaaa1997
    melissaaa1997 Posts: 2 Member
    I think I'm pretty close to the 300 mark Don't be discouraged by it. Use it as motivation! Turn the negativity into positivity :smiley:
  • andympanda
    andympanda Posts: 763 Member
    Used to weigh 335. Can't help you with female problems, But if you need any encouragement or advise let me know.
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    I started at 310, and have lost nearly 60lbs since November. There are some people here who have started out at 500+.
  • jaqcan
    jaqcan Posts: 498 Member
    I started at 345, down to 280's for a few years, and now I'm working on the rest. 2 years ago I had a breast reduction and tummy tuck to remove a large amount of skin and breast tissue that was causing rashes and mobility problems.
  • MyCatThinksImFat
    MyCatThinksImFat Posts: 16 Member
    I started at 320lbs!!! I've since lost 40lbs, I'm currently at 279lbs still need to lose like 100 more lbs sooooadd me and we can help each other out, and anyone else please feel free to add me!
  • TheSunshineQueen
    TheSunshineQueen Posts: 276 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi! You're definitely not alone! I'm currently 316lbs and my goal is to weigh 150lbs. I still have a long way to go, so feel free to add me! I love having people with similar weight loss/fitness goals as friends so we can encourage and support each other!

    I also have a large chest that I'm really looking forward to seeing shrink, haha.

    We can totally, totally do this! :smiley: