A fitting quote

Think you can, think you can't; either way, you'll be right. ―Henry Ford

I love this quote and it is my new mantra! I have tried to lose weight before but I always get discouraged and the weight comes back. I always start out strong but somewhere I lose the motivation to keep going. It usually happens when I hit a wall ~ you guys know what I mean. You think you are doing something great but the scales don't show you what you want to see. You start to question yourself, the diet, the exercise..... Then you quit. I have been there too many times.

This time I am changing the way I think.....I think I can!!! I know I can!!!!! I will do this, THIS TIME!!!! And I won't be back disappointed again.....never!!!!

If anyone wants to leave the fat behind you are welcome to join me on the quest :D


  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    Awesome quote, I will definitely use this from now on!!!
  • nuimproved
    nuimproved Posts: 57 Member
    It's so true. Great attitude ;)