Be my friend!

Hi, my name is Tabatha. I've been on my journey for a couple of months now but I've still got a long way to go. I've been eating low carb/keto and started working out. Since none of my Facebook friends are on MFP, I would love to make some new ones here! Let's motivate each other!


  • gorJESS57
    gorJESS57 Posts: 102 Member
    Hey girl! Congrats on your journey so far! I've been at it for a couple of months as well, Ive plateaued a little and its frustrating! I'm here if ya need anything!
  • iml0singit
    iml0singit Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you! I know what you mean! I was plateaued for several weeks. It's so frustrating but it's part of the progress. Thanks for replying :)
  • BearToBeast
    BearToBeast Posts: 5 Member
    New here too - Waves- :)
  • ProphBrady
    ProphBrady Posts: 3 Member
    edited May 2015
    Let's do this!! Plateauing is the worst. But like it's been said you fight through it, and end up succeeding
  • iml0singit
    iml0singit Posts: 8 Member
    That's right! The only way to succeed is to never give up. I know what failing/quitting feels like, I want to know what succeeding feels like :)
  • BearToBeast
    BearToBeast Posts: 5 Member
    One of my quotes I have scribbled in my book - The only way you will see results is if you stay consistent! A river cut's through rock not because of its strength but its persistence!

  • zillagirl1713
    zillagirl1713 Posts: 4 Member
    B) hey new here too. However I just started my jorney in losing weight.