Not sure if I'm enjoying focus t25....

The title says it all, I was really excited about starting t25. I weigh 145lb and walk for a couple of hours every day. I have started eating better and was loosing weight from diet alone but wanted to get a little fitter.

I am on the third day of t25 and have just finished total body circuit and I just felt like it was a waste of my time. The routines are too fast and complicated to start with, by the time I've worked out what's happening the moves over, and you don't burn calories by standing around looking confused. I also can't do push ups.... I have always been good at squats but feel I am not benefiting from the squats/lunges in this routine because they are so quick! It's like When I do squats I usually count to 3 going down and 3 back up.

I enjoyed the other two days much more, but I really didn't like this one and it's kind of putting me off the whole package because I don't think it was particularly well designed. I have done 30 day shred in the past and thought that was really well designed, I felt the benefit of every move, when with t25 I feel like some of the moves are pointless....

Anyone else feel like this? I'm tempted to switch to a more resistance based workout and return this one ...


  • boomhower1820
    boomhower1820 Posts: 86 Member
    I gave it up for the same reason you did, the moves were just to complicated.
  • katalinax87
    katalinax87 Posts: 146 Member
    I was exactly the same when I started out. I spent the first week spending a lot of time with my head cocked to one side thinking 'what the hell! ?' But by week two I was in the swing of it and really enjoyed it. It might help to watch it once before you actually get around to do it.

    I'm in the last week of gamma and have noticed a change in my body especially my arms and core so maybe keep going and reassess at two weeks. That way you've given it a fair shot without spending too much time doing something you don't like.
  • yam102284
    yam102284 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm the same as the katalina. Each new phase, I spent watching the first couple moves of each exercise to get the hang of it. Thinking "Dang, there's no way I can do that!" Now I'm in my last week of the first option of Gamma and I have seen a HUGE improvement in my overall cardio and also in my arms and core. My arms are actually defined, I can do a REAL pushup (or 2), and I've improved my running time because of T25 cardio.

    I would try to stick with it for at least the full week, and maybe the 2nd. That way you can hopefully get the moves down and see if you're enjoying it when you're doing the full moves.
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    When I start a new program I always do a zero week. Basically do the first week on the schedule but consider it a trial run. Familiarize yourself with the videos, get the initial awkwardness of learning the moves out of the way, and let your body get over some of the initial soreness. Then do the program for real.

    It's a great program so I urge you to stick with it. When you get to the end of the Beta phase you will look back at the struggles you initially had and laugh at yourself.
  • stephinator92
    stephinator92 Posts: 162 Member
    I've completed T25 twice... My best advice is that if you can't keep up, then concentrate on your form and go at your own pace. It's really tempting to try to keep up with the video but sometimes it's just impossible. Also, modify what you need to modify - you need to do what's best for you in your own workout. I think you should really give it a chance before you give up on it though.
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    edited May 2015
    Maybe it's not for you? I completed T25, but after that program I realized I didn't care for fast-paced, overly bouncy workouts. Or perhaps you just didn't like the Total Body Circuit, but the other workouts you've done so far wasn't too bad?

    I would preview each workout in the program, try to get through them, then decide if you should return it or not.
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    Have you tried doing the modified movements? I did T25 and the Alpha round was the most difficult for me. I believe it was due to learning the moves and my body getting used to doing them. I found Beta and Gamma with the hand weights a lot more enjoyable.

    The program is designed to do what you can and build on it.

    I didn't lose a lot of pounds nor did my spouse but the inches and visible changes to our bodies were incredible along with the stamina.

    Best of luck!
  • SophiaSerrao
    SophiaSerrao Posts: 234 Member
    But that's the idea! For it to be a CHALLENGE :+1:

    For the first month there are like 4 videos which rotate (not counting abs, nor stretch, which are easier to follow). Take some time to watch them (not working out) and study the moves. Get the hang of them.

    The idea is to get better each time, anyway! I'm on week 3 and I STILL can't do a nice, clean, nose-to-the-floor-push-up to save my life :disappointed:

    Or maybe it's just not for you "). But don't give up on it without a fight, because, for 25 minutes, it really is a good, FUN workout!
  • ishepelska
    ishepelska Posts: 59 Member
    Total Body Circuit is a b*tch!
    Please, remember that you should go at your own pace. Remember to modify at least in week 1. There is no harm in having one slow week. I bet you'll still sweat.
  • lizzynose
    lizzynose Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for all the replies! I'm not giving up just yet, going to at least see out the week as I haven't experienced all the workouts yet! I didn't mind cardio and found speed pretty easy, it's just total body workout that I disliked! Which I thought would be the one I like best as I love boot camps or circuit training at my gym, but it was nothing like those things it was more cardio. I want to stick with it because I want it to work and I paid a lot of money for it. I don't mind it being tough as long as I feel I am benefitting from it!

    I think it's the moves that are like right lunge, jump into a squat then left lunge then right lunge, squat etcetera that are annoying me as they are all things I can do but they are too fast!!! Also all the jumping foot work, it's not too hard it's just too fast again. I don't want to do the modifier as she's always doing ridiculously easy things like sidestepping! It just seems a bit unbalanced? I am going to try taking it more at my own pace and pausing it when I take a while to coordinate myself do that I can make up the time! But if I'm still not feeling it by the end if next week I'm just going back to 30 day shred, which I enjoy, was and doesn't contain hundreds of adverts!
  • cdb101970
    cdb101970 Posts: 3 Member
    Keep at it! :)

    This is my first post here although I've been a member for quite some time - sorry for the sheer length!

    I started the 10 week programme 9 weeks and 2 days ago and this morning nailed Beta Week 5 Day 2 Core Cardio.
    As of last Saturday I have lost 25lb and several inches (I am 45 years old :o , exactly 5 foot tall and my starting weight was a hefty 168lb :s ).

    When I started out I thought "not a chance will I keep up" - for the first month or so I did have to modify, but you DO gradually get better and better and keep up more and more and modify less and less. I promise it's no lie when I say I started with ZERO upper body strength and Alpha Total Body Circuit almost killed me every bloody time!!

    I still have to modify push-ups sometimes even now and cannot yet keep up with the burpees. That's NOT the point though - Shaun T throughout the programme repeats that you should GO AT YOUR OWN PACE so I do. You learn the move names and eventually don't have to look at the screen as much - just listen to the instruction and go at your pace.

    The types of moves like this are dynamic moves - so the whole point is in the build up - with these you get the most benefit than just going headlong into squats and burpees etc.

    I start Gamma this coming Monday and that looks daunting - previewing Speed 3.0 actually gave me palpitations as it's pretty much all on the floor with burpees and worse!

    My aim is to lose a further 14lb before 26 July and I have no intentions of not making that goal - no matter how tough it gets (and I know it gets worse still)... BRING IT ON I say!!!

    I will add that I have never EVER sweat this much - I swear to God I didn't even know it was physically possible to sweat that much... I have to mop the floor after every session!

    Maybe Insanity Max 30 after Gamma, then the world... Who knows - all I know is I'm fitter, healthier and look better than I have done perhaps ever B)
  • SuzLink
    SuzLink Posts: 32 Member
    A bit late in joining this thread but I am the same. Today I completed week 3 day 3 & Im still not sure I like it. Yes, its just 25 mins which is great, but I have seen no change, on the scale or measuring tape, which is disheartening 7 making me think I should maybe go back to Insanity for another round..... :-/
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    If you don't like it, find something you do. I bought it and thought, well, it's only 25 minutes I'll add it in to my other activities. I hated it. I mean REALLY hated it. LOL I haven't touched it since I did the second workout. There are enough activities I LOVE to waste my time doing something I dislike.
  • bcruz313
    bcruz313 Posts: 56 Member
    I'd say it's not for everyone. I liked it. So, I told my son to try it. He is much more fit than I am. He's been doing football since 7th grade and is now a senior and has been conditioning for it etc. since then. His diet is not on point as with a lot of teenagers but he is getting ripped. But I wouldn't tell him that. lol With all that said, he HATED T25. Said there was entirely too much bouncing. I on the other hand enjoyed the progression. I thought it was odd though, because he loves Insanity. Although, I get T25 is very different but I thought there was too much jumping and plyometrics in Insanity.

    I will agree though that you can't judge from the first week. As far as pushups go, you will definitely see an improvement with each session. you just have to keep at it and don't be afraid to modify. I always feel lost during a new routine or program, but as I do it a 2nd or a 3rd time it gets better. Good luck! Don't let that one workout deter your whole opinion of the program. Or if you find you really don't like it, then maybe you can sell it and get some of your money back.
  • bethcmason7
    bethcmason7 Posts: 1 Member
    Im on week 4 day 3 i hate the total body circuit! Its the hardest one but i do my best =] i just cant believe ive kept it up for this long. Still not noticed any weight or inch difference but so proud of myself that ive kept it up so im gonma finish the whole program =]