Would love support.

Despite what my profile says, I've actually been on this diet for 8 months and have lost 100 pounds. I just currently need help and support with fighting the urge to binge eat and with understanding the nutritional part more.


  • ndavis84
    ndavis84 Posts: 10 Member
    Think of the goal and the body u want... That helps me when I want to eat beyond the norm lol! YOU GOT THIS! Xoxo
  • WSOX37
    WSOX37 Posts: 1,611 Member
  • fluffymaggie3
    fluffymaggie3 Posts: 29 Member
    I struggle with wanting to eat at night to help me sleep, so I understand !!! Our minds are powerful. I have started doing word search puzzles instead of eating...sounds dumb, but it keeps my mind from thinking about food !!
  • heyaliwood458
    heyaliwood458 Posts: 75 Member
    Love all your suggestions! Yeah I definitely just need to find something else to take my mind off it. I'm never hungry, just taking boredom eating to the extreme lol I'm still struggling with figuring out the right amount of calories to eat and burn because I became so obsessed with the gym a few months ago that I basically live there because it's such a stress reliever for me. Basically substituted my food addiction for a workout one, which is totally great, but I don't want to overdue it or continue to lose weight in an unhealthy way. I did all of this to become healthy.