help :( getting discouraged....

So I have been doing MFP for a while now but have only really taken it serous for the past couple weeks to which I have also joined a gym. I don't have much time because I am a single mom so I go on my lunch break for 30 minutes. And I know it's only been a couple weeks but I expected to see something small. Instead I feel my jeans are tighter on me and I'm ready to give up! Although I don't eat as much junk i still eat it every now and then. I thought cutting it out altogether would have been a bad choice. I plan to change it completely but in time. I've been told the 1200 calorie plan MFP suggested is not healthy and I'm wondering if that's a contributing factor to not losing any weight so far. I just know that I'm ready to quit because if in 3 weeks I can't see a single pound fall then what's the point. Help! Does anyone know why? Does anyone have suggestions?


  • SkinnyGirlCarrie
    SkinnyGirlCarrie Posts: 259 Member
    edited May 2015
    are you weighing and measuring your food? often you can be eating a lot more than you think! and the calorie burns on the machines at the gym and the ones MFP gives you can be overestimated so alot of folks only eat back a percentage of their exercise calories (50-75%). and lastly, sometimes it can just take a while. i've gone through stretches where i didn't lose anything and then all of a sudden was down a few pounds.

    editing to add, this is a very helpful read if you haven't yet:
  • rlv20
    rlv20 Posts: 7 Member
    Just because you're mentally in the mode to lose weight doesn't mean you will - you must follow through every single time. Count your calories. Exercise. Burn more calories than you're eating. If you don't want to use the 1200 calorie benchmark then figure out what your TDEE is and adjust your calories appropriately. If you're not willing to put in the work to do those things then you're not going to see any of the benefits.
  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    I understand why you are getting discouraged, this is a tough thing to do!

    1200 calories does work if you are sedentary and can't get much exercise in but you need to be looking for big foods that fill the calories better e.g lots of veg is going to be more filling that the one chocolate bar and might stop you craving more food later...

    The main thing is you are weighing and measuring everything STRICTLY. no guess work or you could easily be hundreds of calories out during the day.

    Any junk food will slow your progress if you don't do the exercise to counteract it and a lot of exercise is needed for the calories of junk food.

    You also say three weeks... well are you bloating through ladies week? this will make your jeans feel tighter but its not weight!

    Give it a bit longer and get measuring and weighing. Best of luck!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    So are you doing the basics right? The reason people who complain they arent losing, when the believe they should be is because they are eating more and burning less than they think.

    30 mins a day 5x a week still will only amount to 2.5hrs a week, which wont burn many calories. Focus on the accuracy of your logging.

    1200 is the min amount you need for nutrition and thats too low for many.

    Are you weighing your food on a scale? If you were truly eating 1200 and exercising everyday then you would be losing. Try opening your diary for people to see whats going on and advise. When you start exercise then it cna soemtimes cause you to retain water and then becomes a questions of carrying on with he same thing and being patient.
  • Kerry211168
    Kerry211168 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello there, I've only been on MFP for a few weeks but I have seen some loss, so maybe you need to be a bit stricter with your food choices?
    Don't give up!
    You've made the decision to lose weight and that's great, just keep going. Try to be clever about the choices you make and try not to make any excuses for not exercising or choosing the junk food, that won't help at all.
    I'm on 1200 calories a day and I feel fine on that amount of calories, in fact sometimes I struggle to have enough calories. Who told you 1200 calories is not healthy?
    Yes, I have changed my mindset, changed the way I eat and the way I think about food. I believe if you go at it half-heartedly you will only get a half-hearted result. If you really want to make permenant changes you have to go at it full force!
    Keep going! You can do it!
  • jonsmithkidd
    jonsmithkidd Posts: 1,204 Member
    First of all, well done on taking positive steps to make a change you want to.

    I know this probably isn't the answer that you want to hear, but a couple of weeks really is too soon to expect to see any real changes.

    1,200 calories shouldn't be unhealthy, it might be hard to maintain and not be grumpy though, I know it is for me.......especially if you have been used to not counting calories.

    First questions would be how much water are you drinking? Are you weighing foods? What kind of exercise are you doing at the gym? And are you eating those exercise calories back?
  • Karbum
    Karbum Posts: 124 Member
    Try not to stress, sometimes it takes a while to catch up!! Stay focused!
  • Adnerb10
    Adnerb10 Posts: 2 Member
    edited May 2015
    I want to thank you you all for taking the time to reply. And I know that I wasn't going to see drastic results but I didn't expect the tightness in the jeans. I don't weigh my food, I just count calories.... so far. And I'd like to be more strict but the lifestyle change is hard enough so I'm taking it step by step. I guess I'll have to give it more time but I definitely needed the support you all showed me.
  • MsNeumann
    MsNeumann Posts: 75 Member
    All of the above and also watch the salt intake. Some people have more success when they eat more protein and less carbs so you need to look at what works (or doesn't work) for you alone and adjust your goals, including your macros. Good luck! Feel free to add me if you'd like