Favorite workout videos??

Good morning everyone!

I have a spare bedroom that I want to use as a workout room so I need your help! I'm struggling with getting to the gym so why not bring the gym to me. I want to know what your favorite work out videos are! I don't have any equipment at home so videos with minimal equipment would be great. Also I'd love to see varying time lengths (short or long videos).

What's your favorite?? What have you had the best results with??? Please and thank you in advance!! :)


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    edited May 2015
    If you'll have access to the Internet, FitnessBlender.com and the BeFit Channel on YouTubeare great. FitnessBlender has loads of different types and lengths of videos, and BeFit has their own programs, as well as videos from people like Jillian Michaels and Denise Austin. Yoga with Adriene and doyogawithme.com are great for free yoga videos as well.

    While not videos, Neghar Fonooni has some free body weight workouts out there is you Google and check YouTube. Same with Jen Sinkler/Lift Weights Faster.
  • MeganKyGirl82
    MeganKyGirl82 Posts: 110 Member
    Personally, I love Jillian Michaels. I don't follow her recommended system, simply because I like the mfp calorie way, and I just do the dvd and the level of that dvd I feel up to that day.

    My favorites are:
    30 day shred (it's 30 minutes with 3 levels of difficulty)
    No more trouble zones (40 minutes I think)
    Yoga meltdown and yoga Inferno (these are hybrid yoga dvds that include cardio) each is 30 minutes give or take again with varying difficulty.

    I didn't take to exercise naturally and they were difficult for me in the beginning, but I like that it's a lot of work out for a short amount of time. Hope this helped!
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    edited May 2015
    I like Jillian's 30 Day Shred and Jackie Warner's DVDs. I also really like most of the 21 Day Fix Extreme workouts.

  • MeganKyGirl82
    MeganKyGirl82 Posts: 110 Member
    Yoga with Adriene and doyogawithme.com are great for free yoga videos as well.

    I forgot about Yoga with Adriene! She's wonderful. Especially her 30 day start to yoga.
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    XTFMAX90 by Stephanie Oram. 12 rotating workouts including cardio, strength and specific areas. Fantastic value at £20 for the 12 DVD's (Amazon) and really great results. I also love Jillian Michaels but was getting bored and fancied a change...
  • chocolatexxmintt
    chocolatexxmintt Posts: 85 Member
    I have Jillian micheals dvd's and Leslie sansone's just walk! I also love YouTube and enjoy tone it up, xhit daily, blogilates, fitness blender, and be fit as well as a lot of others the videos on YouTube are great because they range from beginner to advanced as well as time range
  • seric2000
    seric2000 Posts: 14 Member
    I started with Jillian videos and loved it! But I progressed beyond her and wanted to up the weights and cardio with someone else *gasp! cheating!* So I started with Cathe Freidrich. I love love love her videos. She has about a million of them and she does a million different things: cardio, kickboxing, weights...she does it all. I've been with her videos for 3 months now and have never done the same one twice (I get bored easily). She kicks my butt every single time.