lost 15 pounds now i am stuck!

well I started this at 320 and now I am currently 305 I am eating under my calorie goal everyday even when I have a bad day like Memorial day. those days don't happen much at all for me. I am eating egg whites coffee with light serving of coffeemate and protein shake with a banana for breakfast every day. Lunch i am eating a few oz of chicken breast with a salad almost every day and dinner is still healthy. I replaced white rice with brown rice. I eat a lot more protein and greens then I do carbs. I don't drink soda anymore, I have 1 beer once in a while vs drinking a whole 6 pack. I can't remember the last time I had a mixed drink or any other kinds of alcohol. So not sure what I am doing wrong now and I feel like giving up. I can tell you I am not working out as much but I am active. I am doing a lot of yard work trimming trees, power washing, painting, staining, cutting the grass, weed wacking and on top of that I am playing softball for about 2 to 3 hours once a week and playing basketball for 2-3 hours once a week as well. So now I am stuck and i would like to loose at least 10 more pounds before I go on my vacation but i don't think that is going to happen. Any help would be great.
PS i did advocare didn't help me much until i changed my diet from what the sales rep/trainer told me what to eat. I personally think she is not the right one to do this as a sales person waste of $300 i can tell you that :(


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    You don't mention how long you've been stuck for, but the first thing you need to do is start logging everything 100%, as almost every day is missing a meal or has nothing logged. Also, you may want to invest in a food scale to start weighing your foods.
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    Four things:
    - Have you updated your weight on MFP? As you lose weight, you burn fewer calories, so you need to also eat slightly fewer calories to maintain the same rate of weight loss.
    - I see you’re not logging consistently, i.e. have lots of days where you only log 5-600 calories for breakfast/lunch
    - You’re not weighing your food using a food scale: cups are very inaccurate. Use a food scale to make sure you’re not eating more than you think
    - It doesn’t matter what you eat or don’t eat (i.e. chicken breast with salads vs beer) as long as you stay under your calories

    So the good news is, you’re only “stuck” because your food tracking is probably inaccurate. Fix that up and you’ll be back on track in no time.

  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    You say you're not sure what you're doing wrong - you're not counting calories accurately. All your entries to your diary are things like scoops, spoons, bowls, etc. I'm only seeing few that are actually weighed. You need to weigh everything, or you can't be sure how many calories you're eating. Estimating can work fine, but if you're not losing weight that's the first thing to fix. It also doesn't look like your diary is filled out properly, unless you really are just eating a few hundred calories for breakfast most days, which is a problem in itself if you are.

    Also, how long has it been since you stopped losing weight?
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    How long have you been stuck? Weight loss is not linear, so a plateau for a couple weeks followed by a loss is common and normal.

    Usually the first step when you stop losing weight is to tighten up your logging. I noticed yours seems to be hit or miss. You are not logging everything you are eating. Start there to make sure you really know how many calories you are consuming. Eating "healthy" food will not help you lose weight if you are still eating more calories than you are burning. Buy a food scale and weigh all solids. Measure all liquids. Even weigh prepacked/premade food. Just because a package says, for example, "3 cookies, 30g, 100 calories" doesn't mean that the 3 cookies you picked were actually 30g. They may be 45g and you just ate an extra 50 calories you didn't account for.
  • sandrop329
    sandrop329 Posts: 26 Member
    I took a look at your diary, but it is hard to help you because it seems to lack consistency. Many times people are eating more than they realize which is why it is so important to log everything. You also need to make sure that you are weighing and measuring all your food. If you are truly only eating what you have listed in your OP it is possible that you are not consuming enough (I'm a 155lb girl and I eat more than that), however, you're likely eating more than you realize. It may not be "a lot" but it is likely enough to hold you at maintenance levels. Have you figured out your BMR and TDEE? TDEE minus 15-20% is a very sustainable and sensible way to lose weight.

    I'll tell you up front that if you're doing the Advocare diet it is highly likely you are not eating enough, and you are certainly not eating enough carbs to fuel your higher activity level. It is advisable to stay away from those MLM (multi level marketing) diets and coaches. They are not trained in proper nutrition and are just selling you a bunch of promises in a bottle. You can do this without spending that kind of money on get slim quick fads. Many of these "21 day fix" type plans will have you drop weight, but you will gain it all back again once you resume your normal eating habits... which you will because you'll be miserable.

    Find out your TDEE, eat 20% less of that. Figure out your macros and try to adhere to them as closely as possible. You will start to see the weight come off again. I like this calculator as it gives your BMR, TDEE, and has adjustable/customizable weight loss strategies. It will give you your rest day calories as well as your workout day calories. http://www.1percentedge.com/ifcalc/

    Send me a friend request if you're interested. I hope to see you really work it out. I know you can do it!
  • mrnice1058
    mrnice1058 Posts: 54 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    You don't mention how long you've been stuck for, but the first thing you need to do is start logging everything 100%, as almost every day is missing a meal or has nothing logged. Also, you may want to invest in a food scale to start weighing your foods.
    yeah because i am starting to give up I am eating so much better and not seeing anything move on my scale. I have been at it for 120 days in a row now i guess you can say those are the days i am doing it seriously. Now i am getting to that point where i am saying is it worth it anymore?

    Emilia777 wrote: »
    Four things:
    - Have you updated your weight on MFP? As you lose weight, you burn fewer calories, so you need to also eat slightly fewer calories to maintain the same rate of weight loss.
    - I see you’re not logging consistently, i.e. have lots of days where you only log 5-600 calories for breakfast/lunch
    - You’re not weighing your food using a food scale: cups are very inaccurate. Use a food scale to make sure you’re not eating more than you think
    - It doesn’t matter what you eat or don’t eat (i.e. chicken breast with salads vs beer) as long as you stay under your calories

    So the good news is, you’re only “stuck” because your food tracking is probably inaccurate. Fix that up and you’ll be back on track in no time.

    yeah again i stopped because i am getting frustrated. I do have a food scale I actually think I am eating less then what i put in when i put in a cup of what ever i am eating. Like right now i am having my egg whites the container is saying 1.2 cups but i know its not 8oz of food in it.
  • mrnice1058
    mrnice1058 Posts: 54 Member
    You say you're not sure what you're doing wrong - you're not counting calories accurately. All your entries to your diary are things like scoops, spoons, bowls, etc. I'm only seeing few that are actually weighed. You need to weigh everything, or you can't be sure how many calories you're eating. Estimating can work fine, but if you're not losing weight that's the first thing to fix. It also doesn't look like your diary is filled out properly, unless you really are just eating a few hundred calories for breakfast most days, which is a problem in itself if you are.

    Also, how long has it been since you stopped losing weight?

    My breakfast really is coffee with coffee mate, about a cup of egg whites and a protein shake monday-friday every week since I started to take the diet serious again. I have not dropped a pound in well over a month now. which is why i am starting to feel defeated. With my breakfast i am usually really full with that.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    mrnice1058 wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    You don't mention how long you've been stuck for, but the first thing you need to do is start logging everything 100%, as almost every day is missing a meal or has nothing logged. Also, you may want to invest in a food scale to start weighing your foods.
    yeah because i am starting to give up I am eating so much better and not seeing anything move on my scale. I have been at it for 120 days in a row now i guess you can say those are the days i am doing it seriously. Now i am getting to that point where i am saying is it worth it anymore?

    Emilia777 wrote: »
    Four things:
    - Have you updated your weight on MFP? As you lose weight, you burn fewer calories, so you need to also eat slightly fewer calories to maintain the same rate of weight loss.
    - I see you’re not logging consistently, i.e. have lots of days where you only log 5-600 calories for breakfast/lunch
    - You’re not weighing your food using a food scale: cups are very inaccurate. Use a food scale to make sure you’re not eating more than you think
    - It doesn’t matter what you eat or don’t eat (i.e. chicken breast with salads vs beer) as long as you stay under your calories

    So the good news is, you’re only “stuck” because your food tracking is probably inaccurate. Fix that up and you’ll be back on track in no time.

    yeah again i stopped because i am getting frustrated. I do have a food scale I actually think I am eating less then what i put in when i put in a cup of what ever i am eating. Like right now i am having my egg whites the container is saying 1.2 cups but i know its not 8oz of food in it.

    On the nutrition label, does the carton give the serving size in fl oz/ml or in grams? If it's grams, ditch the cups and weigh it.

    The main point we're saying is that you need to be accurate and patient. Weigh everything, log everything, and it will come off.
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    edited May 2015
    If you’re not losing weight, it’s because you’re eating at maintenance (barring very rare medical conditions) - it’s that simple. Log everything, weigh all your food (including fruit), do this for 2-3 weeks, and come back if you’re still stuck. I don’t think you will be!

    Edited to add: You might also want to track your measurements - sometimes the scale can be slow to catch up.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    mrnice1058 wrote: »
    You say you're not sure what you're doing wrong - you're not counting calories accurately. All your entries to your diary are things like scoops, spoons, bowls, etc. I'm only seeing few that are actually weighed. You need to weigh everything, or you can't be sure how many calories you're eating. Estimating can work fine, but if you're not losing weight that's the first thing to fix. It also doesn't look like your diary is filled out properly, unless you really are just eating a few hundred calories for breakfast most days, which is a problem in itself if you are.

    Also, how long has it been since you stopped losing weight?

    My breakfast really is coffee with coffee mate, about a cup of egg whites and a protein shake monday-friday every week since I started to take the diet serious again. I have not dropped a pound in well over a month now. which is why i am starting to feel defeated. With my breakfast i am usually really full with that.

    I mean, for a good few days all you've got is breakfast. If all you're eating a day is a few hundred calories, then that's a big problem.

    When you say you've been at it for 120 days, is that you haven't lost for 120 days, or you've been doing it for 120 days and stopped losing at some point during that time?
  • mrnice1058
    mrnice1058 Posts: 54 Member
    sandrop329 wrote: »
    I took a look at your diary, but it is hard to help you because it seems to lack consistency. Many times people are eating more than they realize which is why it is so important to log everything. You also need to make sure that you are weighing and measuring all your food. If you are truly only eating what you have listed in your OP it is possible that you are not consuming enough (I'm a 155lb girl and I eat more than that), however, you're likely eating more than you realize. It may not be "a lot" but it is likely enough to hold you at maintenance levels. Have you figured out your BMR and TDEE? TDEE minus 15-20% is a very sustainable and sensible way to lose weight.

    I'll tell you up front that if you're doing the Advocare diet it is highly likely you are not eating enough, and you are certainly not eating enough carbs to fuel your higher activity level. It is advisable to stay away from those MLM (multi level marketing) diets and coaches. They are not trained in proper nutrition and are just selling you a bunch of promises in a bottle. You can do this without spending that kind of money on get slim quick fads. Many of these "21 day fix" type plans will have you drop weight, but you will gain it all back again once you resume your normal eating habits... which you will because you'll be miserable.

    Find out your TDEE, eat 20% less of that. Figure out your macros and try to adhere to them as closely as possible. You will start to see the weight come off again. I like this calculator as it gives your BMR, TDEE, and has adjustable/customizable weight loss strategies. It will give you your rest day calories as well as your workout day calories. http://www.1percentedge.com/ifcalc/

    Send me a friend request if you're interested. I hope to see you really work it out. I know you can do it!

    if this site is correct

    lYour BMR is:
    Your TDEE is:

  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    You can't troubleshoot a problem without data.
    I understand you are frustrated, but we can't tell you why you aren't losing weight when you haven't been logging all your food.
    Log everything accurately (weighing all solids, measuring all liquids) for 4 weeks, then evaluate and adjust. Weight loss takes time, and you will have plateaus. You need to be prepared and work through it.
  • mrnice1058
    mrnice1058 Posts: 54 Member
    Emilia777 wrote: »
    If you’re not losing weight, it’s because you’re eating at maintenance (barring very rare medical conditions) - it’s that simple. Log everything, weigh all your food (including fruit), do this for 2-3 weeks, and come back if you’re still stuck. I don’t think you will be!

    Edited to add: You might also want to track your measurements - sometimes the scale can be slow to catch up.
    I know i am slimmer i do have my numbers written down. I am down a total of 19 inches in these 120 days. and down a pant size but the scale is not moving. its kind of depressing. I have not stepped on the scale in a few weeks until this morning and it said i was 304.9 so i lost .1 pound not worth putting in. It also doesnt help that I have a wife the is also over weight and she gave up a while ago and is back to buying all the bad things. I avoid all of them. I can't tell you the last time i had a cookie or chips or anything like that.
  • mrnice1058
    mrnice1058 Posts: 54 Member
    mrnice1058 wrote: »
    You say you're not sure what you're doing wrong - you're not counting calories accurately. All your entries to your diary are things like scoops, spoons, bowls, etc. I'm only seeing few that are actually weighed. You need to weigh everything, or you can't be sure how many calories you're eating. Estimating can work fine, but if you're not losing weight that's the first thing to fix. It also doesn't look like your diary is filled out properly, unless you really are just eating a few hundred calories for breakfast most days, which is a problem in itself if you are.

    Also, how long has it been since you stopped losing weight?

    My breakfast really is coffee with coffee mate, about a cup of egg whites and a protein shake monday-friday every week since I started to take the diet serious again. I have not dropped a pound in well over a month now. which is why i am starting to feel defeated. With my breakfast i am usually really full with that.

    I mean, for a good few days all you've got is breakfast. If all you're eating a day is a few hundred calories, then that's a big problem.

    When you say you've been at it for 120 days, is that you haven't lost for 120 days, or you've been doing it for 120 days and stopped losing at some point during that time?

    No i have been at this dieting for 120 days last time i lost a pound was about 30 days a go.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    mrnice1058 wrote: »
    mrnice1058 wrote: »
    You say you're not sure what you're doing wrong - you're not counting calories accurately. All your entries to your diary are things like scoops, spoons, bowls, etc. I'm only seeing few that are actually weighed. You need to weigh everything, or you can't be sure how many calories you're eating. Estimating can work fine, but if you're not losing weight that's the first thing to fix. It also doesn't look like your diary is filled out properly, unless you really are just eating a few hundred calories for breakfast most days, which is a problem in itself if you are.

    Also, how long has it been since you stopped losing weight?

    My breakfast really is coffee with coffee mate, about a cup of egg whites and a protein shake monday-friday every week since I started to take the diet serious again. I have not dropped a pound in well over a month now. which is why i am starting to feel defeated. With my breakfast i am usually really full with that.

    I mean, for a good few days all you've got is breakfast. If all you're eating a day is a few hundred calories, then that's a big problem.

    When you say you've been at it for 120 days, is that you haven't lost for 120 days, or you've been doing it for 120 days and stopped losing at some point during that time?

    No i have been at this dieting for 120 days last time i lost a pound was about 30 days a go.

    Ok, so about 4 weeks ago. Then the answer for now is to weigh and log everything you're eating. Without doing this you can't be sure how much you're eating. If you do start doing this and eating to your calorie goal and you're still not losing weight, then that's another problem. But the most likely answer is that you're eating more than you think. Stop measuring things in cups and spoons and such and start weighing things.

    And, to reiterate what others are saying, it doesn't matter what you eat in terms of weight loss, all that matters is the calories. If you can fit cookies and crisps and stuff into your calories then there's nothing wrong with eating them!
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    mrnice1058 wrote: »
    Emilia777 wrote: »
    If you’re not losing weight, it’s because you’re eating at maintenance (barring very rare medical conditions) - it’s that simple. Log everything, weigh all your food (including fruit), do this for 2-3 weeks, and come back if you’re still stuck. I don’t think you will be!

    Edited to add: You might also want to track your measurements - sometimes the scale can be slow to catch up.
    I know i am slimmer i do have my numbers written down. I am down a total of 19 inches in these 120 days. and down a pant size but the scale is not moving. its kind of depressing. I have not stepped on the scale in a few weeks until this morning and it said i was 304.9 so i lost .1 pound not worth putting in. It also doesnt help that I have a wife the is also over weight and she gave up a while ago and is back to buying all the bad things. I avoid all of them. I can't tell you the last time i had a cookie or chips or anything like that.

    As I already said, you can eat cookies and chips, as long as you fit them within your calories. There’s no need to give up any one food to lose weight, just eat less of it. I get why you’re frustrated, I’d be miserable too if I couldn’t have ice cream! And it sounds like you had some great results, so don’t let the scale get you down: it’s only one measure of your progress. You need to look at the whole picture.

    Maybe read over this thread, it gives some good guidance and info: community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants/p1
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    mrnice1058 wrote: »
    mrnice1058 wrote: »
    You say you're not sure what you're doing wrong - you're not counting calories accurately. All your entries to your diary are things like scoops, spoons, bowls, etc. I'm only seeing few that are actually weighed. You need to weigh everything, or you can't be sure how many calories you're eating. Estimating can work fine, but if you're not losing weight that's the first thing to fix. It also doesn't look like your diary is filled out properly, unless you really are just eating a few hundred calories for breakfast most days, which is a problem in itself if you are.

    Also, how long has it been since you stopped losing weight?

    My breakfast really is coffee with coffee mate, about a cup of egg whites and a protein shake monday-friday every week since I started to take the diet serious again. I have not dropped a pound in well over a month now. which is why i am starting to feel defeated. With my breakfast i am usually really full with that.

    I mean, for a good few days all you've got is breakfast. If all you're eating a day is a few hundred calories, then that's a big problem.

    When you say you've been at it for 120 days, is that you haven't lost for 120 days, or you've been doing it for 120 days and stopped losing at some point during that time?

    No i have been at this dieting for 120 days last time i lost a pound was about 30 days a go.

    Start logging again, weighing all solid foods and measuring liquids... No cheating. Do this for 3-4 weeks, and aim for you MFP goal, if you don't lose what you would expect, then lower cals by a couple hundred and do the same thing again.
  • sandrop329
    sandrop329 Posts: 26 Member
    mrnice1058 wrote: »
    sandrop329 wrote: »
    I took a look at your diary, but it is hard to help you because it seems to lack consistency. Many times people are eating more than they realize which is why it is so important to log everything. You also need to make sure that you are weighing and measuring all your food. If you are truly only eating what you have listed in your OP it is possible that you are not consuming enough (I'm a 155lb girl and I eat more than that), however, you're likely eating more than you realize. It may not be "a lot" but it is likely enough to hold you at maintenance levels. Have you figured out your BMR and TDEE? TDEE minus 15-20% is a very sustainable and sensible way to lose weight.

    I'll tell you up front that if you're doing the Advocare diet it is highly likely you are not eating enough, and you are certainly not eating enough carbs to fuel your higher activity level. It is advisable to stay away from those MLM (multi level marketing) diets and coaches. They are not trained in proper nutrition and are just selling you a bunch of promises in a bottle. You can do this without spending that kind of money on get slim quick fads. Many of these "21 day fix" type plans will have you drop weight, but you will gain it all back again once you resume your normal eating habits... which you will because you'll be miserable.

    Find out your TDEE, eat 20% less of that. Figure out your macros and try to adhere to them as closely as possible. You will start to see the weight come off again. I like this calculator as it gives your BMR, TDEE, and has adjustable/customizable weight loss strategies. It will give you your rest day calories as well as your workout day calories. http://www.1percentedge.com/ifcalc/

    Send me a friend request if you're interested. I hope to see you really work it out. I know you can do it!

    if this site is correct

    lYour BMR is:
    Your TDEE is:

    Ok so now it's time to do the work. On the site it will give you various ways of losing the weight... TDEE - 20%,-15%, no WO day deficit, slight deficit on WO day... etc. Please do as everyone is advising you and use your food scale to measure...pretty much everything. You'd be surprised... what you think is a 100g could be 150, what you think is 1 serving could be 1.5. Everything counts and everything matters. It sounds like you're likely eating just enough to maintain your weight. You need to bring the deficit back to see change - many times (and this was the case for me at one point) it was the difference of not weighing food and weighing it. You will be so shocked to find out there is so much of a difference.
    I know i am slimmer i do have my numbers written down. I am down a total of 19 inches in these 120 days. and down a pant size but the scale is not moving. its kind of depressing. I have not stepped on the scale in a few weeks until this morning and it said i was 304.9 so i lost .1 pound not worth putting in. It also doesn't help that I have a wife the is also over weight and she gave up a while ago and is back to buying all the bad things. I avoid all of them. I can't tell you the last time i had a cookie or chips or anything like that.

    Eat the cookies man!! Just make sure it fits within your macros! White knuckling it is just going to make you miserable and you'll want to give up sooner. Do not deprive yourself. It really is about moderation and balance. Food is food. Don't give into the hype that you can't have this or you can't have that. All things in moderation. Extremes are extremes in both ways. Please check out www.gokaleo.com. There's lots of good information there - and sanity.
  • deast12
    deast12 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes, track everything. I didn't realize how many calories i was eating in my "healthy" diet. It all comes down to eating too many calories.
  • harpsdesire
    harpsdesire Posts: 190 Member
    If you've lost 15 pounds you might want to see if mfp readjusts your calorie goal. I had to lower mine a little after my first loss of around 10 pounds-- Both loved and hated that! ;)

    I think 19 inches down in 120 days is a really impressive success! It seems like you are on the right road, so stay the course and try not to give up. I have problems with losing motivation too, and it can be super hard. You can do it though!